Later at home..........

26 8 0

I think Annabel and that guy who I later found out was her brother; whose name is Bill need what is called THERAPY, (serious one.) What happened back at the cafeteria is what is called bullying.

I am so angry, like so angry. I don't know why they would pick on someone on he first day of school. At least looking at the bright side, Fiona and I found a friend so quickly, thank God.


yep that was me screaming because a red light just turned on in the room because

almost the whole family came into my room.



Obviously later journal................

........................So, our parents wanted us to have "FAMILY TIME".

Bye journal... See you tomorrow.

i am sorry but i have to end the book here😞😞😞😭🤧

hahahahahahaha, just kidding

So, where were we?

3rd of May (Tuesday)

In school next day (9am)

I was going to my locker with Fiona and Kimberly when Annabel and Bill came to probably bail me out.

Annabel: oh hey losers.

Fiona: what do you want?

Bill: nothing much

Me: then back off.

Annabel: (folding her arms) look who's talking.

Bill: yeah, we just came to warn you that if you keep messing around with us, you're gonna get into big trouble.

Kimberly : whatever, just get out.

Bill: did you just say get out?

Fiona: yes she did. Now shoo

Annabel: (slaps Kimberly) .....................................................................

Author's note: sorry i hate cliffhangers as much as you do, but i have to do this.


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