at home

11 6 0

At home. (3:45 pm)
In my bedroom
On my bed.
Doing nothing,  I'm pretty hungry.  So I check the freezer and I see some frozen veggies.
Me : (under my breath)  way to go mom .

Then I notice some ham, bacon, chicken and pork there

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Then I notice some ham, bacon, chicken and pork there.
I decided to make some veggie sauce.

In the room

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In the room.
Swiping through Instagram.
Saw a picture of a girl celebrating her birthday.
Oh my,  I just remembered Bob's birthday is in 7 days.
I must call a family meeting.
Of course everyone except Bob.

During the family meeting
Dad: so what are we here for?
Me: Bob's birthday is in 7 days,  aren't we throwing him a party?
Mom: oh, yes, everyone should buy their present for Bob.  Starting now.
everyone started thinking of what we could buy him. I'm sure you're thinking weirdos,  right?
Duh, he's going to be an 11 year old in 7 days. Something mature,  not too mature and for boys.

8th May (Sunday)  4:50
I got it.
I'm going to buy him a drone.
Great. I'm going to go to the electronic store 🏪 now . I got this on.

At the electronic store.
I bump into this guy I don't know.
Wait..... ... That's Henry.
Henry: hey (extending his hand) here,  let me help you.
Me: (pushing his hand away)  you don't need to help me because I know you don't want to,  and why do you keep acting nice to me?
Henry: I'm actually nice, just popular and you know you don't know me.
Me: Hmmmph. Yeah.
Henry : so you want to get a new phone?
Me: no,  trying to get a drone for my younger brother . Do you think maybe you could help me?
Henry : sure.
Me: thanks.

After shopping for the drone.
Henry decided to walk me home.
Henry : wow,  you have a nice house,  really nice.
Me: thanks,  thanks and thanks again.
Henry: 🤨🤨
Me: you know for helping me find the drone,  walking me home and saying my house is nice.
Henry: oh you're welcome,  I should get going.
Me: see ya.

In the room.
Kim: did Henry walk you home?
Me: yeah, what's up with that?
Fio :when did you start hanging out with Henry?
Ugh!  I hate questions that include boys that are not related to me 😒
Me: we weren't hanging out, we bumped into each other and he offered to help me get Bob's present. Have you gotten Bob's present?
Kim: oh yes.
Fio: yep.
Me: great,  I can't wait for the 14th of May.

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