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4: 59 pm.
In the kitchen
Mom was teaching a girl how to cook our signature blueberry pancakes.
Me: hey mom (with an eyebrow up)  who's this?
Mom: oh I called a babysitter. She's Alexis.
Me: 😃nice to meet you.. But why did you get a babysitter?
Mom: you know your dad's going to be working extra extra hours , so he'll be staying in a hotel since Mr Geraldine volunteered at your school. And I would be going to visit my mother,  she's down with a flu. No I'm not visiting her, i'm going to stay with her for a while. And you and Fiona are going camping and exploring the world,  so I had to hire a babysitter.
Me: oh,  i'm Joana.  Mom why don't you leave us,  don't worry I'll teach her how to make the pancakes.
Mom: (looking doubtful) OK?  Ok I'll leave you two,  that gives me more time to pack.
Me: so Alexis  can you tell me a little about yourself?
Alexis: OK.  So I'm 16 yrs old. I'm actually from England. My family moved here two years ago. I used to get home schooling from my aunt who taught for like 20 years. She home schools 2 of my brothers . I have 3 brothers. 2 younger than I am. 1 older. So I'm going to an actual school now.
Me: OK. So do you think you could handle 6 year old twin girls and an 11 year old boy with 3 puppies?
Alexis : oh yes,  I've worked with worse,  you know babysitting is my part time job. So I can take care of anyone.
Me: great.
And we went back to making the pancakes.

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