6th May (Friday)

11 6 0

At home
6:27 am
During breakfast
Good morning journal, I'm sure breakfast would be really tense.
6:35 am
At the dining table.
Me: good morning everyone.
No one answered
Me: good morning?
Bob: morning Jo.
Prisci: good morning Jo
Ceci : good morning Joey.
Fio: (nonchalantly)  morning.
Mom: (coming from the kitchen)  good morning sweetheart.
Me: where's dad?
Mom: he's in the library,  why?
Me: Thanks mom,  I need to talk to him .
Kim: (sarcastically) Good Luck,  cause you really need that.
Me: FYI,  I don't need it😛
Kim: yeah yeah. 😒
Me: 🙅just get out of the way,  you are blocking the staircase.
Kim: oh sorry
Me: (mimic) oh sorry.

In our library
Just do like you prepared
Me: good morning dad.
Dad: (looks up)  morning (nonchalantly)
what's up with him And Fiona with their nonchalant attitude towards me.
Me: dad,  I wanted to tell you that I'm really sorry about the way i acted at dinner yesterday,  i was just angry that you always talk about my F and not my A+ or A or even the B I got after that F. And I didn't mean to be disrespectful to you,  it's just that I was already angry at someone and you had to bring it up.  I'm really really really sorry dad,  and I promise I wouldn't make an F or a D.
(he coughs)
Here we go,  don't pick up the temper girl,  just keep going.
Me: I mean a C and I would never ever in my life disrespect you again,,  please forgive me dad. 😓
Dad: apology accepted, You are forgiven.  Now if you'll excuse me,  I have to get to work.
Me: bye dad.
Dad: bye sweetie
Wow,  that went well.

At school
Annabel: why didn't your hoodlums come after school?  We waited for long,  like long. You never came.
Me: fyi, they're not hoodlums, and you should be asking them why they didn't come,  that's not my business.......
Fiona and Kimberly walk past me.
Annabel: what's up with them?
Me: I don't know and right now I don't care. 🙅
Annabel: you can join us if you want,  let's go girls.
Wait,  she didn't just say I CAN JOIN THEM IF I WANT.  Oh no 😱
Wait,  this guy isn't approaching me right,  o... K he is.
Henry: hey there.
Me: (gulp)  hi?  Why are you even talking to me?  You never ever talk to me.
Henry: I overheard what Annabel said to you,  I advise you to join them, you fit in better with popular people.
He didn't just say that.
Me: well you know what,  now that you said it,  I have 8 words for you.  I LIKE MY LIFE THE WAY IT IS.
and i walked away.

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