my parents and an F

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At home (4:34 pm)
Mom: (screaming) Joana Megan Alexandra Tactus , come down this minute.
Oh oh,  i'm in big trouble.

Byeeeee.  As you know, I'm in big trouble.
Downstairs (in the kitchen)

Me: yes mom
Mom: what did you score in your English test?
Oh oh.
Me: I got........ (lowering my voice)  an F.
mom: sorry?
Me: I got an F
Mom: why?  (louder)  why would you get an F. When did you start getting F 's in your tests. You know your dad won't be happy with you.  In fact happy is an understatement,  he will be really dissapointed in you. 😠
Me: yes mom,  I'm sorry 😔😔😔😖😖😖.
Mom: you can now go.

In the bedroom.
Who could have done this to me?
I called everyone in the house except of course mom and dad who hasn't come back from work .
Me: I gathered us here because of a matter, 
Priscilla : OK?
Me: so who told mom about my, English test score?
(coming closer to each of them,  looking them in the eye 👀.
Me: was it you?  (to Priscilla)
Priscilla : (trembling) no
Me: was it you? (Cecilia)
Ceci: no, it was not me.
Me: was it you? (Bob)
Bob: you know I wouldn't check your bag or room for your test paper.
Me: that leaves Kimberly and Fiona, was it you? (Fiona)
Fiona: no.
Me: that leaves you Kimberly, was it you? Say the truth and let the devil😈 be ashamed 😔
Kim: it wasn't............. I mean..... um.....yes,  it was me.

aha, I knew it was her all along. But why?
All except Kim:😨
Me: why?
Kim: well,  I wouldn't say revenge but it was payback for dropping out of the challenge and just walking out on us.
Me: Hmmm.  The rest of you are dismissed. .
I even thought maybe Ceci was looking for her pen in my bag and mom stumbled on my test scores.
Kim is in a lot of trouble

During dinner. 🍴
Dad: I know this is not the best time to bring this up but Joey,  why would you get such a low score.
Great, I should be the talk of the town,  no city by now just because I got an F.
Me: nothing.
Dad: nothing is not an answer.  I need an answer.
Me: I didn't study well.
Dad: and when did that start?
Me: it was just that day dad,  it won't happen again,  I promise.
Dad: I hope so.
Me: 😒
Dad: what was that look for?
Me: um..... Nothing.
Dad: OK,  this is getting out of hand, you start getting low grades and then disrespect me.

Mom: sweetie, calm down
Me: 😠dad,  I already told you , I only got an F in English,  other classes,  I got an A+, an A and only one B, 😟I try my best to get A's and you only focus on an F. And oh, i'm not disrespecting you.
Dad: I've had enough of this nonsense. 
Well,  you know what I've had enough of,  it's you always talking about my F and not my A+, A or B
Dad: To your room now.
Me: what?
Dad: I said to your room.
Me: 😡fine.
Went up to my room,  slammed the door shut and plopped on my bed.
30 minutes later.
Everyone's laughing. They don't even care 😢 . Oh except my two puppies.  Their names are Sammy (female) and Rodger (male)  by the way.
1hr later.
Crying and stroking the puppies.
2hrs later
Fiona and Kim come inside giggling. They go over to the wardrobe and start getting clothes on. Do they even notice that I'm sitting there sobbing?
15 minutes later
They start talking out loud and it's getting on my nerves.
Me: are you guys nuts?  I'm trying to get some sleep here (lying;  I was no where near sleeping)
Kim: oh sorry,  didn't know you were still alive😂
Me: well,  now you know I am.
Fio : we can't be gloomy just because of you.
Me: well well well,  who do we have here (standing up)  Ms Perfect and her Follower.  You know I haven't forgiven you Kim,  because of you,  i'm gloomy and I make sure you suffer for it. 🙅
Kim: well,  we'll see about that. Let's go Fiona.
Fio: (to me) (shrugs)
Goodnight Journal.
I've had enough drama today

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