2nd May (Monday) 4am

38 7 0

yep, it is 4am, i wanted to wake up extra early to sort my bag, what i am going to wear and colours of all mentioned. I can't be humiliated on my first day of school because of colour riot. oh oh, Fiona just woke up!!!!!!. LATER DIARY

In school (7 am)

The school is very big and beautiful, with ocean blue painted walls(in the classrooms though). So firstly we went to the secretary's office to get my uniform, ID, and class timetable. So right now, I am about to open the door to the class on my ID .

I chose a seat next to the window, so as to receive the fresh air. so, my Blue Ocean Junior High uniform is of course blue. Fiona took a seat in front of me because our parents said we should sit beside or close to each to other. Anyway our teacher, Mrs Glen just walked, so later diary.

During lunch................

Lunch: Hamburger, slice of pizza, an apple and soda.

While I was heading back to class, this girl named Annabel poured her soda over my brand new uniform, and the bad part is she looked at me, rolled her eyes, said" watch were you are going nerd" and walked away. I tried to say she should watch were she was going but nothing came out. Then a girl who sat beside me in class, came to help me clean the mess.

Listen to our conversation:

Me: thank you so much.

Girl: you're welcome, I'm Kimberly Brown

Me: I'm Joana Tactus

Guy in the cafeteria: Hahahaha, Oh my God, did I just hear your name is Joana Cactus

Me: (losing my temper)Hahahaha, so funny I forgot to laugh, even if my name was Cactus, what's up with that?

Kimberly: Yeah you have to answer her.

Annabel: Oh, who do you think you are talking to

Guy: yeah, gross disrespect

Kimberly: let's just get out of here(as we run out of the cafeteria)

Annabel: oh who are the scaredy cats now(in the midst of laughs)

I'll write in you later, Mrs Glen just walked in.

My high school experienceWhere stories live. Discover now