At the park.

16 6 1

After homework and after eating.
Kim: your mom cooks great food.
Fio: yeah.

Why must Annabel be everywhere we go?
Annabel : hey losers.
Me: what do you want? 🙅
Annabel : just came to say hi.
Me:😮😕😒, yeah right
Kim: what exactly do you want?
Annabel: oh well,  just wanted to tell you that or rather ask you are you doing?

Fio : doing what?
Lily: the "overpowering challenge "

Lily is one of the girls in Annabel's clique.
Kim: oh yes,  we are.
Me: no,  we aren't.
Fio: yes we are
Me: no we aren't😡
Annabel: I'll take that as a yes (coming closer to my face) cause they actually overpowered you in this one.  (she laughs)  see you tomorrow losers  (to her clique)  let's go girls,  we have work to do.

Oh no,  i can't take this anymore.
Me: what is wrong with you guys?
Fio : (nonchalantly)  nothing.
Kim: there's nothing wrong with us,  there's something wrong with you.
Me: 😬me?  Oh really, well you (pointing at both of them)  both can compete😠
I start to walk away to my bicycle.
Me: and oh,  good luck
Fio : where do you think you are going?
Me: home.  Obviously.
Kim: well you can't go without us.
Me: to be clear,  who are you ?
I have the right to walk freely without anyone bossing me around. And I advise you both to go shopping because Fio,  you have nothing in your wardrobe that can compete against Annabel.  Once again,  good luck.

As I was resuming my walk to my bicycle,  I overheard part of Fio and Kim's conversation.
Fio: what do we do now?  If Jo were to be here,  everything would be perfect,  she has a great fashion taste.
Kim: we'll have to do without her.  Why don't we just go shopping.
Fio: as much as I want to go with you,  I'm betraying her, i'm sorry Kim but maybe you'll have to do it on your own.
With those words,  I pedalled faster and faster because I knew Fiona was on her way..

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