A big fat F😨

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Mrs Glen walks in.

Mrs Glen : so for those that wrote my test,  I'll be handing over your scores.
thank you Mrs Glen for worsening my mood.
She starts handing over the test.

Great,  wait what..........

I got a BIG FAT F😧😧😧

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I got a BIG FAT F
I even thought I would get a D,  at least.
Why me?

The whole class starts talking.
Kimberly and Fiona rush over.
Fio: you wouldn't believe what I got
Kim: even me.
Me: you both got an A or A+
Kim: I got an A+. What about you Fiona?
Fio: oh, i got an A.  I could have gotten an A+.
Just one silly mistake.
Me: I'm so happy for you guys.
Kim: I'm sure you got an A too.
Me: me?
I wish.
Fio:  of course you,  who else?
Well........  Here goes
Me: well. .... um... I....
Kim: you what?
Me: I got....... Em..... Um
Fio: spill
Me: I got an F OK, you got it out of me,  are you happy now? 😡
They both looked shocked 😨
Kim: wow, how come?  (folding her arms)
Fio: look Kim,  we've already forced the score out of her,  let's not do anything again.  let's go Kim.
Like who just does that.
Walks out on you like that.
Annabel : looks like you're having issues with friendship hun?
What😦, where did she come from?
And why is she acting all nice.
Me: it's not like you care. 😒
Annabel : I know I don't care but I feel sorry for you.
😕😕, hun?,  she's just playing mind games with me.
Me: you don't have to. 😛
Annabel: I've been in your shoes once...
Me: hold it there Hon,  you (pointing at her) to be in my shoes sounds like history. 
Annabel: (standing up)  looks like you don't need my help.  Good luck finding someone else who would be your friend.
Me: (😂) yeah,  like you wanted to.

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