during detention

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During detention  (4: 01pm)
Kim is already there and some other people I don't know well except Juliet,  Julia and Henry and why is he there?
Me: good afternoon Mrs Glen
Mrs Glen : good afternoon dear,  now someone isn't rude.
Me: what do you mean?
Mrs Glen : your detention buddy,  rather one of them decided not to greet me.
Me: 😏I'm guessing that's Kim
Mrs Glen: good guess. 
Me: so can I call my mom and tell her?
Mrs Glen :I've already told your parents that you are facing detention and wouldn't get home on time.
Me: oh thanks Mrs Glen
Mrs Glen: my pleasure.
I decided to do my homework instead of just moping around.

Detention (5: 30pm)
I'm so bored , being in detention is like being in jail. Sincerely.
Kim keeps shooting me dirty looks but I just ignore.  I decided to play a game on my phone 📱. Looks like I made the wrong decision. No,  Mrs Glen didn't seize it.  I attracted a crowd.
I know we are just 8 people here but 5 came, that's definitely a crowd.
Detention (6: 35pm)
Mrs Glen has gone home,  so we are stuck with the janitor.
Janitor : Can everyone tell me why they are here?
Kim: she caused it (pointing at me)
Me: hello?  It was you that was whispering or should  I say gossiping with my sister .😠
Kim: 😒 really,  you were the cause of the gossip.
Me: finally you confessed it was a gossip and how was I the cause?
Janitor: OK OK,  calm down ladies,  next.
Henry : I'm here because I asked someone to pour water on some girl but instead she poured milk.
Some girl? Ok,  I had milk over my uniform during lunch,  na he couldn't have told Kimberly to do that,  or could he? Could he have been the one Kim was looking at and nodding to?
Janitor : OK,  next.
This guy who I found out was Peter, one of Bill's boys just like Henry.
Peter: I'm here for the same thing as Henry. 
Janitor: OK,  next.
Wait,  why are Julia and Juliet here ? Those two are sweet and nice.
Juliet: all because of Annabel. Both of us (pointing to Julia) she started bullying us and she took our bags and as I was about to take it back,  I tripped over,  knocking Annabel and her clique over too.
Me: that's just why you're here?
Julia: you know Annabel,  she'll add her own story with it.

After detention (7 :03 pm)
I ran after Julia and Juliet .
Me: hey,  I'm Joana
Juliet: I'm Juliet.
Julia: and I'm Julia. Nice meeting you.
Me: same here. So how about we hang out sometime, you know to get to know each other better.
Julia: sure,  (scribbling something down) here's my number,  when you're free you can call or text me, (giving me another paper) and that's Juliet's number.
Me: thanks,  I'll see you later. Bye 👋
Juliet: 👋 bye
Julia : good bye 👋

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