weird school day, 50% of our grade gone.

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9th May (Monday)
Morning Journal,  Ugh!  Today is another school day. 

7:25 am.
In the hallway.
Henry walks up to me.  Great,  this is now a regular.
Try to be cheerful Joana.  You can do this
Me: hi Henry,  how are you doing?
Henry: 😊fine. So...
Bill: hey Henry,  what are you doing with this nerd?
Me: excuse me?  FYI,  I'm not a nerd.
Bill: you're not supposed to hang out with nerds and geeks and people with no social life whatsoever.
Henry : I guess I'll see you later?
Me: are you just...............
Henry left.
Me: walking out on me.
Bill: yes he is,  and i make sure he doesn't ever talk to you.
Me: what's that supposed to mean?
Bill: for me to know and for you to find out.
And he walked away .

In History class
Ms Lucy : hello class,  I'm giving out a project,  everyone must participate because it takes up 50% of your grade.
Class: OK Ms Lucy.
Ms Lucy : so the project is about key places and monuments in the world like the Eiffel Tower 🗼,  the statue of liberty 🗽and so on. Everyone must be creative about it.
The bell rings.
Ms Lucy : everyone must work in groups of 5 each,  it's due this same period on Wednesday. Have a great day.
During lunch
Kim: so which 2 other people can we add.
Me: I know,  Juliet and Julia.
Kim: OK, let's call them over.
Fio: (shouting)  Juliet, Julia come over.
Me: (whispering)  not like that.
Juliet and Julia look embarrassed because the whole school is looking at us weirdly.
Juliet and Julia come over.
Julia: oh hi guys
Juliet: hello. I didn't know you still wanted to hang out with us. After what happened at McDonald's
Me: no no no, i just wanted to get home and change since it would have been easier .
Julia: oh oh oh OK.
So we told them rather asked them if they wanted to join us and they said YES.  So we're meeting at McDonald's tonight.

At McDonald's (5:50 pm)
Juliet: so any ideas?
Everyone racks their brain, thinking and thinking.

6:50 pm.
Me: 💡 I got it.
Julia: spill .
Me: so , we could mould the Eiffel Tower 🗼 and write something about it.  Maybe like you know the statue of liberty then under the Statue on the stand we write about it.
Juliet and Julia : splendid idea.
Kim: terrific.
Me: 😊😊
Fio: but how are we gonna mould it?
Me: lots and lots of clay or POP.
everyone except me : 😕
Me: you know,  Plaster of Paris?  And we're dealing with Eiffel Tower .
Juliet: brilliant idea.
Fio: so let's get to work.

11th May (Wednesday)
today's the D-day for our Sculptured Eiffel Tower.  Can't wait.
And 4 days to Bob's birthday
In History class
Ms Lucy : alright everyone,  project time. I'll start with Annabel's group.
Annabel : OK ms Lucy.  Presenting to you (showing their project)  the sculptured Eiffel Tower.

My group : What? 😨😨😨😱
Annabel: what's wrong ladies,  any question.
Juliet : you copied us.
Samantha : what?  We're so innocent.
Me: 😬😡😠 innocent my foot. I'm sure you overheard us talking about our project and you and your Wannabes stole it from us.
Aimee: as Samantha said we are innocent.
Ms Lucy : OK clam down ladies.  Joana's group can I see your work.
I removed the blanket to reveal an  almost identical one.
Lily: OMG,  you copied us,  you liars.
Ms Lucy : OK Joana's group why did you copy them? 50% of your grade is gone.
My group: what? 
Me: you can't do that,  they literally copied us.
Annabel: Shotup you liar.
Me: 😠we'll see who the liar is.

At home
With Juliet and Julia.
Kim: we've got to come up with a plan,  50% of our grade is gone
Me: I got an idea but we all have to participate.
Fio: say it.
Me: there was a time when Annabel said I could join them. So maybe I still could and we could investigate.
Juliet: OK, what if that doesn't work?
Me: That's plan A. Plan B still goes with plan A,  when she says no,  I'll just do like I'm going but I'm waiting for her to start going home and then we'll follow her to her house.
Kim: OK, wait,  then what exactly would we do at her house?
Me: that's what I'm not sure about. But at least we'll know her house.
Julia: OK,  nice plan.
Me: and in the meantime, we answer more questions in class so as to boost our grade. Is that clear?
Everyone except me : aye aye captain.
Me: 😊
Bye journal,  gotta read for our plan tomorrow. I'll show Annabel she's nothing but a schemer.

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