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After dinner.
Me: hey girls,  why don't we do like a sleepover, you know to celebrate together again?
Fio: great idea. 💡
Kim: terrific idea 💡

For the sleepover,  I wore this

For the sleepover,  I wore this

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Fio wore this

Kim wore this

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Kim wore this

And we got popcorn

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And we got popcorn

And we got popcorn

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Pizza 🍕

Pizza 🍕

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And Fries 🍟 

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And Fries 🍟 

Then we decided to watch the emoji movie

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Then we decided to watch the emoji movie. 🎥.

Fio: we should have wine 🍷 not yoghurt

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Fio: we should have wine 🍷 not yoghurt. 😒
Me and Kim: 😂😂
Me: the yoghurt replaces the wine, sorry.
Fio: no problem
Kim: cheers (lifting her yoghurt up)  to friends again.
Fio and I :😒😞
Kim: Um..... I mean best friends?
Fio and I : 😊😀😄😆
Me: cheers (lifting my yoghurt)
Fio: cheers.
Bye journal,  I have a movie and sleepover to enjoy,  don't be jealous journal , i'll see you tomorrow

7th May (Saturday) 8:17 am
Morning journal,  you'll never guess when we slept off,  we slept off at exactly 3am.
But today's a Saturday,  not like the family has plans to do anything.
Someone knocks on the door 🚪.
Kim: come in.
Prisci: good morning,  mum and dad called a family meeting and you are all to attend.
With that she left.
Looks like I spoke too soon.

During the family meeting
Dad : good morning everyone.
Everyone except Kim and mom: good morning dad
Mom: morning sweetheart (stands up to kiss him good morning)
Talk about gross
Kim: good morning Mr. Tactus
Dad: so this family meeting would involve all of us.
Bob: does this have to do with someone's grades again?
Mom and I shot him an evil glare.
Dad: no,  we are all going to do something together today.
Fio : OK?
Dad: we are all going to the fair.
Prisci and Ceci: yay
Fio and I : (sarcastically)  yay,  can't wait.
Mom: so everyone take a shower 🚿 ,get dressed and I'll prepare a quick breakfast.

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