Mr Geraldine almost caught

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Looking around.
In a secretive looking place
We saw Mr Geraldine talking to some people.
Mr G: so , when I want to steal the money. ...............
Can't keep my anger,  😠😠I'm gonna finish this guy's sentence
Me: 😡cause a commotion?
Mr G: (shocked)  what are you doing here?
Fio: this is our dad's company,  we have the ability and right to go anywhere we want to.
Mr G: OK,  we'll be going.
Me: not so fast Mr Geraldine.............
Mr G: it's Alexander.
Fio: (whispering to Me)  😨he's bearing John's name.
Me: shhhh,  you're making me John sick.
Fio: sorry.
Me: whatever your name is Mr Alex GERALDINE.  I'm gonna tell my dad that you want to steal some money.
Mr G: oh no,  we're acting a play for the end or month celebration.
Pretending to be amazed.
Me: wow,  good luck (whispering to Fio)  let's get out of here.

Outside the company.
Fio: how could you let him feel innocent so easily,  that was our chance to call the cops and get him arrested.
Me: really?  Listen to yourself,  we should let him get the money,  get more evidence,  then get him arrested.
Fio: oh, Ok that sounds way better than what I said.
Me: today would be pretty boring..........
Fio: Em.. We could call the girls and hang out.
me: no no no, we should let them spend time with their family,  why don't we walk Sammy and Rodger?
Fio: great,  let's get home.

During our pet walk. 12:03pm
Sammy was rushing to another place.
Me: no,  Sammy,  you're going the wrong way.
And since she didn't listen,  I kept bumping and bumping into people. Until I finally bumped into Henry.
Me: oh,  i'm so sorry,  Sammy wouldn't listen to me. Are you ok?
Henry: yeah,  sure. (bending down to Sammy's level)  hey girl,  how are you?
Sammy seemed distracted by another puppy behind us. Until I noticed a Yorkshire terrier puppy in the puppy store behind us. And Henry seemed to have noticed too.
Henry: I think she's in love 😍 with that puppy in Emerald's puppy store.
Me: she can't be in love with it,  its a female and Sammy's a female too.
Henry: oh.
The Yorkshire terrier puppy was interested into Sammy too.
Sammy finally got to the store window.
Me: Sammy come on,  let's go home.
Sammy ignored me.
Me: I can't take this anymore.
Henry: what are you gonna do?
Me: buy the Yorkshire terrier puppy.
Henry: oh,  so that's what it's called.
Me: really?  You don't know that's what it's called,  so sad. 😔
Henry: 😒
Me: 😝, is the store even open?
Yes it was

I got into the store, bought the Yorkshire terrier puppy,  Sammy seemed satisfied because she listened to what I orders her to do

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I got into the store, bought the Yorkshire terrier puppy,  Sammy seemed satisfied because she listened to what I orders her to do.
I named the Yorkshire terrier puppy Ella .
So I'm shopping for lots and lots of glitter pens and notepads

At home. 2: 45 pm.
The school sent an email 📧 saying we had to bring our VISA and passport. And also either our credit card 💳 or some cash.  I decided to go with the credit card because your cash could be stolen and though your credit card could also be stolen,  your pin is confidential.

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