At home, 6 pm.

23 5 0

In my bedroom
I was peacefully recalling what just happened when Fiona came in.
Fio: hey.
Me: 😒 what are you doing here?  Shouldn't you be shopping with Kimberly for the "overpowering challenge"
Fio: I dropped out.
Na,  I'm not sure i heard her clearly.
Me: you what?
Fio: I said I dropped out.
Me: why? 🙅
Fio: because It didn't seem like the right thing to do.
Me: oh wow,  then why did you say yes? 🙅
Fio: actually,  I wanted to,  but when you left,  I thought it would be better for me not to betray you.
Me: wow,  you dropped out because of me?
Fio: yes
Me: wow. Thanks,  but can you do me a favour?
Fio: sure,  why not.
Me: can you be extremely honest with me?
Fio: yes.
Me: do you still want to compete?
Fio: uM....... Actually yes.
Me: then go for it. We could quickly shop,  it's just 6:15 pm.
Fio: sure,  I'll call Kim.

Wow. When things were going good,  she had to bring up Kimberly's name.

Today sure had a lot of Wow's.
See you tomorrow journal .byeeeee.

5th of May (Thursday)
(6:30 am)
In the car

Hi journal, I can't wait...... 😀
Remember what today is?

Today's the "overpowering challenge)
I've decided what my part in the challenge is.
I'm going to be the one recording the scores. 
Who's up and who's down.
That just means the winner and the loser.
Later journal.

In the hallway, 
OMG 😮😨😱
You'll never believe what Annabel and her clique wore.
They wore this 👇

Something like this ☝️I know, we wear uniforms,  I thought the challenge was after school

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Something like this ☝️
I know, we wear uniforms,  I thought the challenge was after school.
Me: Well, well, well,  what do we have here?
Annabel: why are you wearing uniform?
Me: I'm not the one doing , it's Fiona and Kimberly. And I thought it was after school?  You're violating the school rules.
Annabel : I know,  (to clique)  come on girls, let's go change.
Why did they do that then,  if they knew?
I'll be late for class,  catch you later journal.

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