1st May(Sunday) 1pm

39 10 0

i like my journal because my siblings don't have to read it.

NOTE: this is a journal not a diary because i don't want to attract friends, siblings, parents, relatives and last but not the least MORTAL ENEMIES.

back to today's entry...................

..............and because I can  write like this:

big black  

smooth green

red LOve 

  coffee brown

sea blue 

 carrot orange

so tomorrow, Monday,2nd of May, will be my first day in  high school, and I am so excited because I am going to one of the most popular and prestigious schools. Squeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!

oh oh, incoming !!! Fiona just came into the room.


Remember when I said I was excited to go to High school. wait did i tell you the school, well it is Blue Ocean High. I am also nervous because it will be my first day and well I will be friendless again except that i have Fiona, John is going to an only boys school because he doesn't want to lose his best buddy from Elementary school. So smart of him right, of course not to me though, he leaves his family(a boys only boarding school) just to follow his best friend, thinking of it, if his best friend whose name is Robert by the way, puts his hand in fire, my brother too will do it. Talking about best friend, I will need to get one though. Later journal...............

Dinner: Fried vegetables, grilled fish and corn.

Yummy. Goodnight journal, according to Prisci, I have a big day tomorrow. 

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