17th May (Tuesday)

9 4 0

8: 24pm
In the library
Me: dad?
Dad: yes Joey?
Me: oh hi dad, I just wanted to ask you a few questions about work.
Dad: ok,  go on.
Mom: so Mr Geraldine or whatever his name is. What exactly does he do.
Dad: oh,  Mr G, he works for me,  you know he's family is not rich,  they live in an old cottage with 2 kids, so I pay him extra money to cater and care for his family.
What?  That Mr Geraldine is a fake,  lives in a cottage? I decided to fake and act like I cared.
Me: Aawn,  dad you are so caring,  not only caring (hugging him) but the best dad anyone could ever have and we are so lucky to have you as a dad.
Dad: (kissing my forehead)  thanks sweetheart,  you should have some rest.
Me: OK dad (walking out)  goodnight dad.
Dad: good night sweetheart.

1st June (Wednesday)
7: 34pm
Hi journal,  sorry I haven't written in you in a while,   I've been thinking of how to stop Mr Geraldine before he gets dad into jail.
3rd June ( Friday)
7: 37pm
I can't take this anymore,  I need the gangs' help. So I called for a sleepover at Kim's house so we could check her dad's cool gadgets.
Kim's mom: good evening girls,  welcome to the Brown's house.  Hope there's no problem,  Kim said it was an emergency sleepover.
I shot Kim a glare.
Me: no, nothing's the problem. Thanks for having us.

In Kim's room
Me: so I called this emergency sleepover because we need to check your dad's cool gadgets.
Because I can't let Mr Geraldine get my dad into jail after all my dad has done to him. He even lied to my dad that he's a poor guy who lives in a cottage. And that's why my dad gives him extra money.
Julia: he is sure a good liar.
Kim: sure,  let's go.

In the garage
Me: wow
Kim: I know right.

After checking
We go to sleep

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