Bob's birthday

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14th May (Saturday) 3:30 am.
everyone in the house decided to wake up extra early to prepare the party,  yesterday after school,  Priscilla and Cecilia decided to make the invitations themselves as his birthday present 🎁. 
8:30 am
people have started to come for the party and Bob hasn't even woken up.
Mom: Joey sweetie,  please go wake Bob up. He might not remember what today is.
Me: 😂ok mom

In Bob's bedroom.

Me: (gently shaking Bob) hey Bob, good morning

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Me: (gently shaking Bob) hey Bob, good morning.
Bob: (rubbing his eyes and yawning )  morning.
You'll never believe what he did next.
He went back to sleep 😴.
Me: Robert Toby Tactus, wake up.  (he shakes his head) Looks like someone wants to kiss  his 11th birthday party goodbye😏
Bob stands up.
Bob: 😨 it's my birthday?
Mom was right
Me: 😂 happy Birthday Bobby. Get into the shower 🚿 ,  get dressed, 👕👖👟  people are waiting for the birthday boy.

The  cake has arrived.

The cookies 🍪 And all other food you can think of

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The cookies 🍪
And all other food you can think of.
Bye journal,  I have a party to enjoy. 😉

1: 03 pm
Bob loved the drone. Really really loved it.

You'll never believe who just came.
It was Henry.
Me: what are your doing here? Who even invited you?
Henry: hi to you too. I came here to get my brother Harry from your brother's birthday party.
Me: oh
I was about to walk away when he grabbed my hand.
Me: leave me.  (trying to get out of his grip)
Henry : can we talk?
Me: no..........  (calming down)  what?
Henry: I don't know what got into you yesterday,  you said it was me who told Annabel about your Eiffel Tower sculpture.  Did you even tell me about it?  No,  i didn't know a thing about it. And I can't believe you actually believed what Annabel said. I'm sorry if you thought I was the one.
Me: 😨😟😞😔 I'm sorry,  i have to go.

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