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We look at our gathered friends, many of their faces holding confused looks. That is understable, they have no idea why they've been called here. There is one face that I can't look at however, scared of what I would see there if I did look. After all, we had kept this from them knowing that they were the most likely of all of our friends to find out.

The butterflies that had entered my stomach before the others arrived got worse. In all my life I had never felt so nervous, not even when dueling. Well maybe perhaps there was one time I was more nervous, but at least that had ended well.

I open mouth to say something. But no words come out. I close my mouth again, feebily looking down at my own hands as I rub them together, trying to up with what to say. Wondering where to begin. I feel a hand put on my shoulder, and I turn to look behind myself. The eyes I looked at were kind as they had always been, and were as calm and quietly confident as ever. The gesture was enough to reassure me. So I look back our friends, who looked now as concerned as they were confused.

Looking at their faces I can't help but wonder how in the name of the Crimson Dragon I had gotten us all into this?

I open my mouth again, now prepared for and expecting the worst out come.

Were we right to have hidden this? We just didn't want to lose our friends. So now, as I begin my explanation, I swallow my pride, reacerting that I had was ready for what was to come, hoping they would understand our reasons for hiding our secret. I mean, I'd been prepared to lose everything when I'd made my first some many, countless weeks ago.

I'd risked everything and had won, unexpectedly then. Now I was risking less, but hoping the potiental cost was worth what I had started. Wondering, could I win again?

YuGiOh 5Ds: Accept me, accept us.(Pov of Jack Atlas)Where stories live. Discover now