Turn 9

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I moaned when Yusei pulled fully back to check his phone, which had just pinged from inside his navy blue jacket pocket. Yusei pulled his moblie phone from his inside pocket and looked at the message he'd gotten. He frowned.

"What's wrong?" I asked squeezing Yusei's hand, as he was still holding on to my hand.

"I don't know if I want to thank Crow or not." Yusei stated, clearly not happy with our friend.

"Why, what did he send?" I asked inferring that Crow had texted Yusei.

"Just warning you two to break any kisses, if you are kissing, and wrap up the serious talk, Carly and I are on our way back." Yusei read the text out loud, "He didn't even know what would happen, he just knew I wanted to talk to you."

"Don't say anything." I suggested, as Yusei sat down and looked back at me, returning my soft smile.

"I thought I was meant to be the calm, rational one." Yusei teased, "Right, if we say nothing he won't know. I suppose I should let go of your hand." Yusei released my hand just as Crow and Carly came back into the room. Carly looked calmer and Crow looked somewhat harrassed. Obviously Crow couldn't handle my fangirl. He wouldn't be the first.

"Sorry, Yusei." Carly said, shocking us both, "I should have realised how close you are to Jack, and how concerned you must, concidering that he saved you from serious injury."

"That's ok, Carly." Yusei answered, "I am truly sorry that we couldn't reach, but we did try."

"That's fine." Carly said, "I'm just worried. I'm also confused. Jack, why did you save Yusei? That's not like you. Even though the action you took has made me love you more."

"I don't like it when my friends are in danger." I answered the question honestly, "Especially Crow and Yusei. They are like my younger brothers. I've always been very over protective of them, such is the role of the big brother."

"As I was saying to you Jack," Yusei said before anyone else had a chance to question me, "I am grateful for what you did a couple of days ago, but please, stop it, I don't need protecting anymore. Nor does Crow. Do you?"

"Yeah man," Crow agreed, "Yusei and I are grown men after all. We are big enough to take care of ourselves. So please leave the hero stuff to Yusei. He at least can save the day without landing himself in hospital."

"I know Yusei can look after himself, but you Crow," I said with joking pitty in my voice as I shook my head, "I don't know, you are still very small." Carly, Yusei and I errupted with lauhter, which caused my ribs to ache and Crow to go bright red.

"Glad to see your humour survived the accident." Crow spat sarcastically, "I was able to get hold of Akiza, she's coming to speak to you. I also rang Kalin and he said he would gladly take your ride if Akiza doesn't take it."

"And she won't be taking it." Akiza said as she entered the room. "You're only just telling them?"

"I just got back from a coffee run, look, Carly's still holding the coffee." Crow pointed out, causing Carly to rush around handing everyone their respective hot drinks, because Yusei wasn't a coffee person.

"Ok." Akiza huffed, turning to face me, "I'm sorry Jack, I won't be taking your ride. Firstly, my runner is in a serious state and I don't think it will be ready by the time the WRGP starts."

"We have three days until the first duel Akiza," Yusei said, "I can work wonders on your runner in no time at all, three days is more than enough time."

"I know you probably could fix it in plenty of time, Yusei," Akiza agreed, "but I also have finals during some of team 5Ds prelim duels. I actually can't."

"Ok, I'll call Kalin later." Crow said what I was thinking. Then Carly's phone rang. She took it out of her jean pocket and looked at it.

"Its the paper, I have to go." she said rushing out of the door answering the call. This left me with Yusei, Akiza and Crow.

"How are you Jack?" Akiza asked with a very apologetic voice and look on her face, "I heard about the injuries."

"Apart from a dull throb in my ribs, I actually feel great. Thank you Akiza." I answered her, thinking about what had happened between Yusei and I, and how calm he looked now, "I should be completely healed in a minium of four weeks."

"That's good to hear." Akiza said, taking a seat next to Yusei while Crow sat on my other side near the window. "But I'm still confused. Why couldn't Crow and I reach you Jack? I mean, I think I saw Yusei's mark glowing, but he can't have caused it, he's not psychic, and I know it wasn't me."

"Actually Akiza," Crow began before I could, "me and Jack wanted to talk to you about that."

"Ok." Akiza nodded. 

"You just said that you thought you could see Yusei's mark glowing," Crow stated, "and I swear I could see it glowing as well. Could that be an indicator?"

"It could, because mine glowed when I first awakened my powers." Akiza mused out loud. Yusei lo0ked uncomfortable about us discussing this topic. "It also glowed whenever I got out of control. And Yusei having latent psychic abilities would explain how he could take so much psychic punishment and still be able to walk away."

"So we are going to discuss this like it is actually a possibility?" Yusei asked, giving voice to his discomfort.

"Yes, Yusei," I answered him softly, "because when you've been in distress the last few days strange stuff has happened. Take that cup on the night stand that shattered today when you got angry with Carly. Both me and Crow saw it. We have more than enough proof, Yusei, and if something isn't done, you could accidently hurt someone."

"Fine." Yusei huffed, crossing his arms. I would have said something more soothing, even intimate, if Akiza and Crow weren't watching.

"Wait, a plastic cup shattered and you are certain it coincided with Yusei's anger?" Akiza asked urgently, glacing at Yusei.

"Yeah, me and Jack saw it with our own eyes." Crow said. "That's the other reason we wanted to talk to you. How many stories did you hear while with the Arcadia movement?"

"I heard a lot." Akiza answered.

"Were any of them about 'awakenings' I think you called them." Crow probed.

"Some." Akiza answered, "All of them seemed to happen under extreme emotional stress..."

"Why'd you trail off Akiza?" Yusei asked obviously scared by the implication.

"I think I need to test you Yusei. As soon as possible." Akiza told him.

"But I'm not..." Yusei  began.

"But I think you are." Akiza interrupted him, "It's the only thing that explains everything, and if you remain ignorant then Jack's right. You could become dangerous to yourself and others. A time bomb."

With that Akiza dragged an unwilling Yusei from the room, and most likely out of the hospital. I stared in there wake.

"Well, I guess she isn't giving him a choice." Crow stated.

"Just go ring Kalin will you. The sooner he is here the better." I said irritated.

Crow stomped from the room, muttering about being back tomorrow. I was left in peace, with nothing to do. Thus I dozed off thinking about Yusei, hoping he was going to be alright.

YuGiOh 5Ds: Accept me, accept us.(Pov of Jack Atlas)Where stories live. Discover now