Turn 2

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I was relieved to discover Yusei had finished having his shower, it meant I could put my soiled sheets in the laundry basket without being questioned about it, and I knew that I was going to put the laundry on again to day, before Crow had the chance, to make sure I didn't have to answer any questions.

I walked down the stairs, having promised myself that I was going to act completely natural. But I couldn't help standing to stare at the back of Yusei's head, leaning, my arms across my chest, in the door way. I could just tell he was lost in thought as he was eating his breakfast. Most likely thinking about the next upgrades for our duel runners, because the WRPG was just around the corner. I don't know how long I stood, staring at Yusei, but however long it had been, it had been long enough for Crow to have gotten up and had his shower and gotten dressed.

"Hey, Jack I know you're an ass," Crow said from behind me, startling both me and Yusei, "but if you're going to stand in the doorway all day, blocking the way, at least share what it is you were staring at."

"As if." I said quickly composing myself looking down at the small, orange spiky haired Crow Hogan. 

"Then get out of the way." Crow ordered, clearly in a bad mood. I immediately went to sit next to Yusei at the table. I was shocked to find a cup of coffee and two slices of toast sat on the table untouched, near the remaints that had to have been Yusei's breakfast.

"I thought I'd make your breakfast, since you were up." Yusei said, answering my stunned silence. "I'm not sure how long you were stood in the doorway for, so it might have gone cold, I'm not sure. If it is, I'm sorry." I found myself unable to say anything, as this gesture left me choked up with gratitude.

"Thank you." I said eventually, noticing that Crow had started frying eggs over at the cooker. I reached out for the coffee and the toast. I took a sip of the coffee, it was still warm enough to drink. So I hadn't been staring at Yusei for too long it seemed. "Its perfect. Just the way I like it."

"Well, you seem to be not sleeping well." Yusei said, annoying me slightly as he hadn't once yet looked my way, instead he'd been gazing at our duel runners, obviously still thinking of ways to improve them, "I just thought I would do something nice, you know, incase you wanted to talk." My annoyance evapourated. Did Yusei care that much for me? Then I remembered, Yusei showed this level of concern for all of our friends.

"Right?" Crow scoffed as he sat down with his own breakfast and began eating, "Jack wanting to talk about stuff. Never goning to happen." I had to close my eyes and take a deep breath.

"So, what's up with you Crow?" I asked after a moment, "You don't seem to be in your usual good mood."

"Why do you want to know?" Crow snapped, causing Yusei to finally turn his head, "I didn't think you cared for anyone but yourself."

"Crow!" Yusei snapped, glaring at Crow, "Jack's being nice, that was uncalled for." Both me and Crow were looking, shocked, at Yusei. He never snapped, at anyone, and now he was snapping at Crow. In fact, he and Crow were normally thick as theifs. They shared everything. In fact I was certain that Crow knew things about Yusei that no one else but Yusei knew. That meant that Yusei was least likely to snap at Crow. There was a silence that hung  in the air was tense. I didn't like it.

"I just wanted to know because I'm your friend Crow." I decided to answer the question, the pair looked at me. "We may fight a lot, but I do care for you Crow, as a friend."

"I'm just a little tired." Crow answered, and I did have to admit  he did look tired. For that matter so did Yusei. "That one had me half the night, talking." Crow was pointing at Yusei, who went red. Must have been talking about something personal.

"If you wanted to go to bed why didn't you?" Yusei asked, having calmed himself down.

"Because you were really upset. Well, more like concerned actually." Crow stated, throwing a look my way. This confused me, but because this was most likely personal for Yusei, I wasn't going to ask. I knew Yusei would tell me, if he wanted to. He was a very private person, and I had hurt him in the past. I considered myself lucky that he did call me a friend again.

"It was nothing that couldn't have waited." Yusei said, going slightly redder.

"What were you guys up so late talking about?" I asked, unable to contain my curiosity. Yusei went even redder and refused to look at anything but the table. Must have been something embarrassing.

"He was talking about you, Jack." Crow answered before crying out in pain and reaching down to rub his leg. Yusei must have kicked him. I know I hadn't. But since when did Yusei kick people. Not that I hadn't wanted to kick Crow myself, just moments ago. "He's really concerned for you. I can't see why though. You seem fine."

"But you don't have to walk past his room at night to go toilet." Yusei spoke up, giving up on hiding concern for me, "You don't hear him moaning in his sleep." I froze. I'd been moaning in my sleep. Then I remembered the state I'd been waking up in recently and understood what I must have been moaning for.

"So?" Crow asked.

"I've even checked on him, and he's been tossing and turning." Yusei said, concern dripping from his voice. My stomach dropped, he was concerned enough to come into my room to check on me. This both frightened and thrilled me. "Is there something you need to talk about, Jack? It might help you stop having the nightmares." I relaxed, Yusei had misunderstood what my dreams were. That was good. But it didn't stop part of me being disappointed.

"Thank you Yusei, but I think I need to deal with this on my own." I answered him looking into his eyes, fighting to think clearly, "Its something I'm sure will pass with time. Besides, I'm not actually lossing sleep. I'm fine." I sure as hell wasn't going to tell Yusei what my dreams were about.

"You see Yuse," Crow said leaning back in his chair, "he's fine. Besides, knowing our King Jack, he was dreaming about being fucked by someone."

"Crow!" I snapped, regretting it instantly, as I'd also gone beetroot red. Crow's eyes widened in shock before an evil smile replaced it.

"Wow, I'm right, I was only teasing." Crow said, and I could tell he wasn't going to drop the subject. "I just got to ask, who was it? Must have been good if our Yusei heard you moaning in your sleep." I clenched my fist trying not to hit anything, I really didn't want to talk about this. I really hadn't finished processing the idea of loving Yusei, in any form, let a lone physically.

"You don't get to know what goes on in my head bird brain." I hissed. I then stormed off before anymore questions could be thrown at me. I heard a chair scrape behind me. I didn't look back.

"Don't bother Yuse," I heard Crow say, it must have been Yusei that had gotten up, most likely to follow me. "we both know he won't answer you. Besides this is my fault. I'll let him calm down before I go to find him."

I was outside before anything else was said, and began to wonder aimlessly. Yusei the thing on my mind.

YuGiOh 5Ds: Accept me, accept us.(Pov of Jack Atlas)Where stories live. Discover now