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As Yusei and I pulled back into the workshop after going to Martha's, the woman who had put us in clothes and raised us, we were in a good mood, because she had taken the news so well, just as we both thought. The orphans had as well. She had congratulated us, claiming she knew we would have gotten together sooner or later, and then presented Yusei with his gift before we sat down for his birthday lunch. Yusei's gift from Martha was a knew set of advanced tools.

As Yusei got off of his duel runner, dismounting from the right side as usual, he was smiling. He waited for me to reach his side. I pulled him to my side, which he easily allowed.

"So, how are you enjoying your birthday so far, birthday boy?" I asked in a playful tone, pecking Yusei on the neck.

"Its been great so far." Yusei answered reaching up and pecking my neck in return. "I don't think anything could ruin it." We walked into the communal area and the twins, Trudge, Mina, Akiza and Crow jumped up at our entrance.

"Surprise!" they shouted. Yusei jumped a little bit in my arms, and then smiled.

"Wow thanks guys." Yusei said blushing, he hated all the attention being on him I knew, so I wasn't surprise when he turned a supicous look up at me, "You knew about this, didn't you Jack?"

"It has been my job all day to keep you out of the way." I answered with a sheepish smile. Yusei hated celebrating his birthday since it wasn't long after his birth that zero reverse had happened, but he had long since moved past his guilt by assoication for it so I'd insisted on throwing a party for Yusei.

"Thanks." Yusei smiled planting a kiss on me.

"So what Crow told Mina and myself is true." Trudge leered at us, "You two are an item."

"Sorry," Yusei said sheepishly for both of us, "we would have told you ourselves, but we couldn't reach you yesterday, so we thought Crow could tell you."

"Its fine by the way." Trudge said waving it away smoothly, "My best friend is gay too you know. Coming out was the hardest thing he did."

"Sure, Jack," Mina agreed, "as long as you both are happy, then I'm all for it." We then heard Akiza's phone ping in her pocket. She took it out and looked at it.

"Shit!" She spat, "Crow put the news channel on. I am going to make her pay." Crow did as he was instructed.

"What's wrong Akiza?" Yusei asked.

"...and onto the breaking news, printed in today's evening edition of the Neo Domino chronicle," Angelia Raines was reporting, "that Yusei Fudo is a psychic duellist. The photos you are about to see are 100% confirmed as real." I felt numb as the images played across the screen. They were of Yusei duelling Akiza in one of the unpopulated areas that was now called old Satellite. There were clear signes of property damage, on what we all knew were condemed buildings.

"Those are from this morning." Yusei and Akiza stated in unison. I knew the style of shot as well, it was Carly.

"These images were taken this morning," Raines confirmed as if on cue even though that was impossible, "and more can be found in the new paper and online. Yusei Fudo, three time world champion in single, tag and team turbo duels can be seen duelling against Akiza Izinski, also known as the Black Rose who is herself a confirmed psychic duellist and former member of the Arcadia movement."

"They can't say Yusei is a psychic duellist from just photos." Trudge stated in disbelief, "I mean your not a psychic duellist Yusei." We'd not told Mina or Trudge yet. But our sheepish looks confired it, and they both went slack jawed.

"I'm not dangerous," Yusei said as the images continued to scroll across the screen, "we took every possible measure as soon as we found out. I am in control, that's what me and Akiza were training to confirm this morning. Also your right, photos alone don't prove anything."

YuGiOh 5Ds: Accept me, accept us.(Pov of Jack Atlas)Where stories live. Discover now