Turn 21

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After we dropped the twins at their house, Kalin, West, Nico, Mina and Trudge insisted on coming back to the garage that Yusei, Crow and I called our home. Akiza decided she was going to tag along as well. It turned into an unprompted celebration party. Crow had raided the fridge of the beers in it and threw together some food, while Yusei went into his workshop and retreived his laptop, which he placed on the table, and selected his music player.

"I'm sure my music is better than whatever the music channel's are playing." Yusei boasted with a huge smile. As looked at him, it was as if he was shining brighter than a galaxy of stars. The last time I had seen him like this he was 6 and he'd just fixed an engine. I was 7 at the time, and I was both jealous that Yusei could do something I couldn't, but also deeply admired him. The other children that Martha was sheltering picked on Yusei for his abnormal smarts because of this. I didn't, I chased the bullies away. Then Yusei and I became truly inserparable, and I taught him to fight, and Yusei became smart and strong. He had been my shining star in hell, and now he was shining once again.

"Careful Jack," Crow whispered drunkenly in my ear, pulling me from my thoughts as I continuned to watch Yusei, who was talking to both Akiza and Trudge, "you are looking at Yusei and blushing. People might catch on if you keep your heart on your sleeve like this."

"Fuck off Crow." I spat at my drunken friend, noticing that Yusei had actually not touched the beer, and was holding a glass of milk. I smiled. Was he part cat?

Kalin left the party with West and Nico very early because he was returning to Satisfaction town the following day and he wanted to get started on his packing. We all waved them off, the two children, inparticular seemed eager to extend their goodbye to Yusei. Then again, Yusei had helped them just as much as Kalin had after all.

The party continued as an all adult affair, with everyone but Yusei and myself getting completely drunk and dancing like they were lanky, poorly coordinated spiders. I stood in the corner near the stairs that lead up to our bedrooms. Yusei came and stood next to me, holding a coffee for me and what must have been his third glass of milk, at least.

"Thanks," I smiled sweetly at Yusei as I took the coffee he offered me, "what is that your third glass of milk? I swear, you must be part cat. Why aren't you drinking the beer?"

"I don't Hideji Kuri Kuro." Yusei complained wrinkling his nose in disgust, "Besides, I'm not a heavy drinker, and thus a bit of a lightweight. I don't want to get wasted and do something that I would regret later. What about you, why aren't you drinking like the others?"

"After what you said to me at the stadium." I laughed as if it should have been obvious, "I want to remember tonight, plus I don't like Crow's favourite brand either."

"You know I was only teasing?!" Yusei stated looking alarmed I'd taken him so seriously, "I don't know the first thing about that!" I took a calm sip of the coffee Yusei had made me with a smile and closed eyes. He had made it perfect again.

"I asked you not to tease me like that Yusei." I purred softly to him, happy that the others were too drunk to even notice or care. Yusei blushed as he took a sip of his milk.

"It just came out Jack." Yusei tried to explain with a nervous look in his eyes. "Something about you makes me say things like that... I just feel so... this feels..." Yusei had lost his words. He sipped his milk continously to hide this fact. I had him flustered. But why? Then my eyes widened.

"You're still a virgin?" I asked incredulously, Yusei looked bashfully at the floor, that was all the answer I neded, "So not even with Akiza?"

"No!" Yusei exclaimed under his breath, glaring at me as if the idea horrified him, "I haven't felt like this about anyone, before." I stepped closer to him, knowing the others were too wrapped up a game they were playing to look at us. Yusei, whose tan skin had already started to show signs of a blush, burned almost scarlet.

"So cute." I couldn't control my affectionate whisper, as I touched Yusei's cheek, Yusei's eyes darted to the others, "They are too drunk to notice, or even care right now, about how we are interacting." Yusei relaxed at my words, and his blush reduced slightly. I pulled him a little closer and gave him a breif, sweet kiss.

"Jack." Yusei whispered my name with closed eyes. I was struck by his tone however, because it sounded sweet, affectionate, passionate? No none of those words were quite right. Yes they were acurate to a point, but I thought I heard a note of desire there too. Then Yusei opened his royal blue eyes. Yes, I had heard desire, his eyes shone with them, and no he wasn't part cat. The desire in Yusei's eyes shone with the flames of a star, and sparkled like dust in a candle's flames. He like me, had been born with the soul of a dragon. His being that of Stardust. Mine was my Red Dragon Archfiend.

"Yes, Yusei." I answered Yusei, my voice mirroring his tone almost exactly as I felt my eyes and soul burn in response to Yusei's emotions. I wanted him, hell, I needed him. But we still had to be careful, despite the others being completely inebraited.

"I... I n-need you." Yusei answered, voicing my thoughts as well his own. But he'd sounded like he had almost said something different. But at this moment I didn't care what it might have been. Yusei had told me what he'd said just over four weeks ago. I smiled and swelled with pride and happiness the likes I had never felt before.

"How about it Yusei," I whispered intimately to Yusei, "you said you didn't want to get drunk and do something you'd regret. What about staying sobber and doing something you won't regret, but will remember for a long time?" Yusei looked at me confused. "Let me teach you how to play with me, Yusei." Yusei's eyes widened as he realised what I was requesting, then he giggled nervously. It was like music to my heart.

"Be gentle with me, Jack." Yusei gave by way of response, "I really don't know anything about this."

"Well, lets start by sneeking upstairs. Then once we are alone, just let your body respond on instinct to mine." I advised, walking past Yusei, trailing my finger under his soft chin, putting my empty cup on the computer table next to the stairs. "Give it ten count then follow me up." 

YuGiOh 5Ds: Accept me, accept us.(Pov of Jack Atlas)Where stories live. Discover now