Turn 18

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The little party the others had thrown didn't last too long, since the twins had to go home to get some sleep for school, so Akiza took them home, giving Yusei more encouragement towards his methods of psychic power control. Crow wasn't long out of bed either. Part of me thought it was because Yusei and I were trying so hard to appear as just friends, that we were making things unintentionally awkward. Things went quiet, the only sound coming from the TV, which was still playing music. It wasn't uncomfortable though.

"Thank you." Yusei finally said, looking as though he had been trying to find his words for a short while. I patted the seat next to me. Yusei took it, smiling.

"What for?" I asked pulling my tan skinned boyfriend close to me, happy he was on the side of my good ribs. I rested my head on his, noticing him gasp at the contact, then I felt him relax into my embrace and rest his head on my shoulder.

"Your advice. You know about the acceptance of my knew abilities will lead to control," Yusei clarified moving his feet to curl up beneath himself, and resting one of his hands on my chest while his other hand held my hand that was curled around him, holding him close, "it was a great help."

"Your welcome, Yusei," I whispered, kissing the top of his head, "but you don't have to say thank you. I wanted to help you." Silence fell between us again. I closed my eyes, focused on Yusei's scent, the soft feel of his dark hair. I felt at piece. After all this time, after my waiting, my wondering, and Yusei was in my arms and this all felt so natural. Easy.

Then I felt a slight tugging sensation on one of the longer pieces of my hair that hung by my ear. I opened my eyes to find that Yusei was twisting and untwisting it around his index finger. I chuckled softly, and smiled affectionately at the younger man in my arms. Yusei's royal blue eyes were looking at the long blonde lock he was playing, so gently with, but they were also far away.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I asked him, pulling him back to reality as he stopped and started to remove his hand from the lock of my hair, but I stopped him before could, "You don't have to stop. In fact, I find it soothing." Yusei returned to playing thoughtfully with my hair.

"I have always liked your golden hair." Yusei put voice to his thoughts, "Soft like velvet, golden as sun kissed hay, smooth as silk." I felt myself blush for the umpteenth time in the past several days.

"Is that what is in your head?" I laughed lovingly into Yusei's hair.

"A big part." Yusei stated softly.

"Anything else?" I inquired, wanting to hear Yusei's manly but soft voice as much as possible.

"I'm also wondering why this became so easy for us." Yusei answered, causing me to gasp as he had been thinking what I had, "It feels natural. When I'm near you, Jack, I'm at piece." I giggled as Yusei finished his thought. He turned his face up towards me, a quizzical look written upon it.

"I was thinking the same thing." I smiled. Yusei laughed gently in response. "Yuse, do want to know what else I was thinking about?"

"Always." Yusei purred.

"I was wondering, could you tell me about your training with Akiza. Your smile when you got back was... triumphant." I said.

"She tried to land several hits with Black Rose Dragon, and she couldn't." Yusei said, "That's why Akiza gushed with pride. But as you know she isn't the only one to credit for this. Yeah her advice helped as well. But...well, it went so well today because you were always in the forefront of my mind. I mean, Akiza did tell me, that when she took control it had been out of determination to not let those closest to her down. To protect all of us. So she told me to focus on what or who I most wanted to protect."

"And you thought of me." I stated, it wasn't a question, it was realisation, and it flooded me with joy. "You care that deeply for me, despite everything?"

"I think always, and more deeply than you know. Much more deeply than I'm ready to say." Yusei answered.

"Just remember Yusei," I whispered, as joyful tears slid from my eyes, "I feel the same."

"Jack, you're crying." Yusei whispered in concern, dropping my hair and shifting to sit astride my lap, to face me, placing his hands on either side of my face, catching the tears with his thumbs and flicking them away. He didn't release my face.

"Because you make so happy." I explained. Yusei smiled before leaning toward me and caressing my lips with his soft and strong lips. I returned it immediately. Our lips moved in harmony with each other. Our breath came in gasps, which caused my ribs to ache, but I didn't care, I could take it. Both my arms wrapped around Yusei, one round his waist, the other round his neck, resting at the nape of his neck, stroking his dark hair. Yusei's hands also moved, one to rest between my neck and collar bone, thumb next to my ear, the other was at the nape of my neck, stoking my hair as I was stroking his. I requested entry to his mouth with my tongue. Yusei granted entry by parting his lips.

I explored Yusei's mouth eagerly, we were both moaning happily as Yusei snaked his strong tongue along mine into my mouth, mirroring my own exploration of his mouth. Not only was he a great kisser, his tongue, his mouth, his soft tan lips, tasted and felt indescribably amazing. In this moment, I knew neither one us was ever going to get enough of this. It was as if our souls were singing for each other, after an impossibly long wait to finally get close to each other.

We pulled slightly apart for breath, tongues still touching. Our eyes opened and met. My purple eyes felt a blaze with the same passion that they saw was alive in the blue eyes they were locked with. Then we were kissing again, impossibly deeper.

That was until I pulled Yusei in too close, putting too much pressure on my ribs, and I let out an involuntary hiss of pain that broke it.

"Stupid fucking cracked ribs." I lamented as Yusei sat up, placing one hand on my knee for support, leaving the other resting on my neck.

"Sorry, got a bit carried away." Yusei said looking like a guilty puppy, as he tried, like me, to recover his breath. I place a hand on Yusei's cheek, which he leant into, closing his eyes briefly.

Don't be sorry." I told Yusei, "It was my fault. I pulled you too close to my ribs. Besides, that kiss was... amazing, Yusei."

"It was."Yusei agreed, moving back to his previous position at my side. I hugged him close, careful of my ribs. "I saw Crow pass you a note earlier." Yusei then whispered.

"Yeah, I thought you might notice." I stated with a sigh. "Its going to be hard to keep this from him for long. Before you guys got back, he was asking me questions. About us." I felt Yusei stiffen, "He has picked up on a lot of our strange behaviour. He suspects something has happened between us. He didn't say what, but he said in the note he wasn't going to press us for answers. He is going to wait for us to tell him everything when we are ready, and that we have his support when we do."

"That's good to know." Yusei said sounding slightly comforted, "But he doesn't know?"

"I refused everything about you, he already knew about how feel about you." I reassured my concerned boyfriend. We went back into our comfortable silence. When I began to doze, Yusei stood up and encouraged me to follow him up the stairs, where kissed one last time, saying a wordless goodnight, before going to our separate beds.

YuGiOh 5Ds: Accept me, accept us.(Pov of Jack Atlas)Where stories live. Discover now