Turn 13

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I woke on Sunday to the blinding light of the dawn sun, streaming  in the window like a golden river. I grumbled at little, and rolled over. That was a terrible idea, because that moved me on to my right side.

"Fuck." I hissed as the pressure caused pain to shock through my body. I rolled onto my back, gripping at the source of my pain, waiting for it ease, feeling the compress that the nurse had changed after Kalin had come to collect Carly, Nico and West. He had seemed disappointed, and I guessed it was because Yusei had won the enter match against team Unicorn for team 5Ds, all on his own. It had pleased the crowd though.

I had watched the whole thing. Yusei had only lost a small handful of life points, and the announcer had been convinced that because Andre, who had gone last for his team this time, had managed to destroy Yusei's Stardust Dragon, that Yusei might see defeat.

"Must be a new announcer." I had muttered under my breath to West and Nico who had looked concerned that Yusei had lost his iconic monster, "Yusei has a few tricks left. Everyone in the stands knows that. Besides, Yusei is smiling. He has something planned." Of course I knew he had my Red Dragon Archfiend waiting in the wings, but hadn't guessed Yusei was going to use it. Andre had destroyed Stardust with his Lightning Tricorn. However, Andre had taken a beating before getting his Tricorn out and only had 2100 life points left, and as the turn had passed back to Yusei, he had one face down, I guessed it was a trap, and it had been on the field for two turns. Andre only had his Tricorn, and no cards in his had. Yusei however had a full hand.

Yusei drew to start his turn. His smile widened, reaching his royal blue eyes which the on board camera showed the stadium and the world.

"It seems Yusei isn't out of this yet." the inexperienced announcer stated reading Yusei's face, "Has Andre's come back come too late?"

"I start by sending the level 2 Quillbolt Hedgehog from my hand to the grave to special summon the level 5 Quickdraw Snychron." Yusei explained being picked up by the onboard microphone, I could tell he was going for a synchro summon, "Then because I have a tuner monster on my field I can summon Quillbolt Hedgehog to the field from the grave. Then from my hand I normal summon the level 1 Sonic Chick."

"What is Yusei doing, Jack?" Nico asked me confused.

"Just watch, this is Yusei at his best." I had smirked.

"Next I reveal my face down!" Yusei declared, causing the card hologram to show itself, "Compulsory Evacuation Device. With it I can target one of the monsters you control and return it to your hand. I choose your Lightning Tricorn, and because it can't be sent to the hand it is returned to your extra deck."

"What a masterful move by Yusei." the announcer observed, "Since Yusei didn't destroy Lightning Tricorn, its effect doesn't go off. But Yusei's monsters don't have enough combained attack to finish Andre. What will he do?"

"Now," Yusei said as if on cue, "I am going to tune Quickdraw Synchron with my Quillbolt Hedgehog and my Sonic Chick for a total of level 8. Now witness as great power is fortified into a vessel, as might becomes even mighter, as I synchro summon the Red Dragon Archfiend!"

Carly had completely flipped out about Yusei having my most iconic monster, but West and Nico were cheering, the match belonged to team 5Ds. I ignored Carly's questions, too much taken aback by Yusei quoting me.

"But that monster doesn't be long to you." Andre accused, shocked, as the crowd went wild. The camera flashed to the pits, both team Unicorn and team 5Ds were slack jawed. No one had seen it coming.

"Let's just say, Jack loaned it to me so he could support his friends," Yusei explained which ended Carly's moans, "in away he is here, represented by his iconic Red Dragon Archfiend."

"Yusei has summoned Jack Atlas's Red Dragon Archfiend to the field." the announcer had roared over the crowd.

"I've always wanted to say this," Yusei grinned excitedly and I knew what he was going to say and had said it with him, "Now Red Dragon Archfiend, attack Andre directly with Absolute Power Force." That ended the duel with a single attack.

It had been one hell of a duel to watch. Yusei winning single handily against all of team Unicorn. Kalin of course had said nothing about the match to me, but I knew, when I saw Crow later this evening he would most likely have something to say to me. I also thought that he might have said something to Yusei about it.

"Good morning Mr Atlas," a nurse greeted me as she entered the room, "it's early for you to be up isn't it?"

"I rolled on to the wrong side, the pain woke me up." I explained, feeling like an idiot. "I don't think I'm getting back to sleep. What's the time anyway, nurse?"

"6:30 in the morning." she answered as she checked machine read outs and the compressor bandage around my rib cage.

"Wow, that is early." I stated, wincing as she applied a small amount of pressure and taking note. "What time are my friends coming to pick me up?"

"That's right," the nurse chirped, "you are being released today. I think the Matron said your friend Yusei was coming with Miss Carmine at about 10 o'clock."

"If I know Yusei, he'll be early." I stated with an amused smile.

"Yeah, he seems like a great guy." the nurse mused, looking like she wanted to ask something she shouldn't.

"What's on your mind nurse?" I asked, freeing her to ask.

"Well, I was thinking, no, wondering if your friend Yusei is single." she answered, she had been thinking what I thought she had been thinking.

"I happen to know he recently got together with someone." I told her, keeping my face unreadable. I was privately wondering what Yusei's reaction would be if I told him my nurse was on of his fangirls.

"Well, who ever she is," the nurse mused thoughtfully lingering at the door, "I hope she knows how lucky she is and will treat Yusei well."

"Yeah, I think he knows how lucky he is," I whispered to myself as the nurse left the room, my  head full of Yusei, as it had been for several months now, "and he intends to treat Yusei right."

I placed my left arm behind my head, smiling. I was going home soon. I would go back to seeing Yusei everyday, for more than a few hours. Back to talking with who ever, when ever I wanted. I turned my head to the window and saw that the sun had fully risen. Today was going to be a good day. I could feel it.

YuGiOh 5Ds: Accept me, accept us.(Pov of Jack Atlas)Where stories live. Discover now