Turn 14

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I was right, Yusei did come early, wearing his usual black sleeveless T-shirt with the red logo on it, underneath his navy blue jacket, brown elbow length gloves, dark blue-grey jeans and brown boots. His new choker fixed around his neck. He had a duffle bag slung over his shoulder, and was smiling at me with sparks in his eyes. I also noticed he was holding a brimmed hat in his hand. It was only 9:30.

"Morning, Yusei." I greeted, smiling back at him, "I guess the bag is holding some clothes, but what's with the hat?"

"I thought it would help hide my face," Yusei explained taking his seat by my hospital bed and placing the hat and bag on the chair next to him, "make it harder for the fangirls."

"That worked for me as well, to begin with." I laughed, wincing a little, at the thought of Yusei hiding from the ladies, "They will get smart to it."

"Hopefully they will have calmed down by then." Yusei stated naïvely.

"After your performance yesterday," I corrected with a teasing note to my voice to cover how impressed I still was, "I think they are going to be even worse. Also don't forget you have had fans since before you defeated me, you are just much more easily located because of the sponsorship making all of us listed as employees of Kaiba corp."

"I get it, Jack." Yusei told me, "I guess we are going to be the focus."

"What, as multiple title holders." I smirked, Yusei's infectious good mood increasing my own good mood, "Hell, yeah, but you Yusei, hold the most titles, but still Crow is going to have an easy time compared to us. Believe me, but I'm sure he'll have some fans too that will cause him trouble."

"Anyway, how are you, Jack?" Yusei asked his face looking cheerful but serious.

"I'll be glad when I get out of here." I answered. "Why we are alone?"

"Because I thought I'd walk here." Yusei smirked, "Plus your fangirl friend wouldn't stop telling me I wasn't worthy to wield your card. I found it very annoying."

"You needed to calm down didn't you?" I sighed.

"I needed to calm down." Yusei admitted hanging his head.

"Besides, Carly doesn't decide what I do with or who I loan my cards to." I told Yusei, lifting his head up with the fingers of my right hand which I had placed tenderly under his chin, "I decide, and you proved you can use Red Dragon Archfiend masterfully."

"Thanks." Yusei blushed as he became trapped in my gaze.

"Besides, I think Carly is threatened by you, because you are closer to me than anyone else, even before you made me your boyfriend." I said, trying to explain things before she arrived. I didn't want trouble in the car, "I also think you are threatened by her Yusei. How else can she annoy you so much?"

"That's just stupid." Yusei retorted pulling himself out of my grip. "Why would I be threatened by Carly Carmine?"

"You remember my duel against her when she was a dark signer?" I asked him, as serious tone in my voice. "Everything I told you about it."

"Of course," Yusei nodded, surprisingly calm, "you told me that she became a dark signer because she was chasing after you out of love. That she showed you a future where you and she ruled over as King and Queen. That you had thought you loved her."

"Can you see the point I'm making?" I asked softly.

"You think I feel threatened by her because you once told me that you thought you loved her..." Yusei trailed off his eyes going distant, before he burried his head in his hands. "I think you are right, Jack."

"Thank you," I smiled, "but you have nothing to worry about and I'll tell you why."

We looked at the clock on the wall, we had 10 minutes before Carly was due to arrive.

"You can tell me later if you want." Yusei suggested, "I know she is very punctual."

"It won't take long." I said as Yusei looked me in the eyes and nodded, knowing I wanted to tell him this, "Niether me or Carly have told anyone, but a couple of days after the dark signer thing had cleared itself up, after we defeated Goodwin, I came back to Neo Domino, before you, me and Crow started working on reuniting the two parts of the city. I came looking for Carly. I found her in the amusement park where we had spent a day together. That day she helped me see how important you and Crow were to me."

"So that's where you went. You know Crow was pissed that you ran off again." Yusei smiled jokingly.

"Yeah I know." I smiled at the memory of the following day when Crow had roasted me, "Well, Carly threw herself into my arms, crying. She was upset because she hadn't seen for a while and thought the worst had happened."

"I can sympathise." Yusei winced, no doubt recalling my recent accident.

"Well, she kissed me. That was when I figured out I didn't like her that way." I continued, "In fact I also figured out why as well. I found out I was gay that day. I couldn't bring myself to tell her, so I pretended. But nothing came of it because I think she sensed something was off. Then the rest is history."

"That's good to hear." Yusei smiled, sitting back in his seat.

"I'm also going to tell you," I began, eyeing the clock nervously, there was only five minutes left until 10, "I am pretty sure you are the only person I want at my side, romantically that is, and I'm pretty sure that it has been burried deep, for obvious reasons."

"I know. I also feel the same, Jack." Yusei smiled empathetically, not taking my hand or making any other kind of romantic gesture because Carly was due and neither of us was ready for any of our friends to know. "But we had it tough growing up, there wasn't any time for stuff like this for any of us. No time to even consider it. Then everything that happened after the Fortune cup didn't help either."

"Yeah, we had to be heroes. Next to no time for any of us to be people." I agreed, "But we have all the time in the world now, and we are still young."

Carly then came into the hospital room, followed by my nurse and doctor. All three noticed Yusei sat relaxed in his seat, with me relaxed on the hospital bed.

"You ready to go Jack?" Carly asked, "To get out of here that is."

"I can't wait for some fresh air, the walls are starting to close in." I joked. Yusei gave a chuckle from his seat.

"I thought you would have loved it here," he teased with a smile, "people waiting on you. I thought your ego would have loved it."

"Yusei, how dare you?!" Carly yelled, "He's your closest friend and that's how you talk to him."

"It's fine Carly," I interrupted seeing the joke in Yusei's words, "he was only messing with me. You know, like boys do. Its how we bond." Carly backed down.

"Well, Mr Atlas," the doctor said calling the attention of the room to himself, "I am happy for you to go. I am giving you a perscription for some strong painkillers, but only take them if the pain becomes too much. You are to come back once a week for a physical check up until you are given a full bill of health, and no turbo dueling."

"Trust me," I said with smile as I was about to return Yusei ribbing, "with Mr Goodie two shoes, Yusei over here, that won't be a problem. He'll make sure I follow your orders."

"Good." the doctor said handing the prescription to me, "I will leave Mr Atlas in your good hands, you two." The doctor left the room, leaving my nurse to unplug me from the two machines I had been hooked up to, before she too left.

I carefully moved my legs until I was sat on the edge of the hospital bed, Yusei had moved dutifully to my left side to offer support if I needed, as I stood up. I was fine, just moving gingerly was all. Carly could only watch as she wasn't strong enough to help if something happened. I felt sorry for her.

Once I was in the bathroom that was attached to my hospital room, Yusei indicated for the duffle bag, seeing the helpless look on my fangirl journalist's face. She perked up at having been given something to do, that made her feel like she was helping in more ways than just functioning as a taxi. Yusei passed me the duffle bag, and left to close the door, leaving me to get dressed on my own.

YuGiOh 5Ds: Accept me, accept us.(Pov of Jack Atlas)Where stories live. Discover now