Turn 10

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I was half way through my hospital lunch the following day, in a good mood since Kalin had stopped by, having rushed straight over from Satisfaction Town and assured me that he wasn't going to let the team lose, when a breathless Yusei burst in. He looked some what harassed, flushed and sweaty. He was also wearing a plain light coloured t-shirt, a black hoodie with red trim, dark jeans with dark blue converse trainers on. The hoodie was pulled up to cover his face. I only recognised it was Yusei was because I'd helped Yusei buy the hoodie last year.

"Yusei are you ok?" I greeted with concern. Yusei shook his head. I waited while Yusei caught his breath, knowing he couldn't answer me. He looked like the last few hours had been rough.

"I swear, girls will be the death of me." Yusei stated from his place, sitting on the floor, leant against the door.

"Girls?" I asked, amused by the idea that it was obviously not just Akiza that was causing the harassed look on Yusei's face.

"First, Akiza tests me for psychic powers for seven hours straight yesterday, pushing past all my limits with REAL attacks that I didn't think she could do without lossing control. Man was I wrong." Yusei stated holding his left shoulder, "She left a bruise that must be the size of a golf ball on my shoulder."

"What's the verdict by the way?" I interrupted with amused curiosity. I had never seen Yusei moan about anything before. I knew I shouldn't find it as funny as I was, but I didn't laugh.

"Painful, but you and Crow were right." Yusei answered clearly not happy with idea. "Akiza said she will have a dampener ready by the end of the day, so the WRGP should go smoothly but, she did spend a further hour taking me through some exercises to  regain control and keep it in the first place."

"Hold on that means, you only had 30 minutes to prepare for the launch mixer." I realised.

"Yep, but that went fine. Except for the press hounding me and Crow. Well me mostly." Yusei confirmed moving into the set next me. Of course the press would focus on Yusei, he was the current reining title holder in three categories of turbo duelling. It was at this point that I remembered that I was eating and spooned some of my green jelly into my mouth.

"I take it, by the look of you that the situation I warned you and Crow about has also begun." I stated with a resigned sigh. "That is one aspect of sponsorship I haven't missed, since Goodwin was defeated and my contract was terminated. Two years without the press and the fangirls. Nice while it lasted."

"How can you call those fangirls, which also made up the vast majority made up the press by the why, girls. The are animals." Yusei threw at me.

"You forget Yusei, I got used to it. But I also had bodyguards, and I also had an understanding with the press. But that stuff comes in time." I explained gently.

"But they didn't seem to be interested in Crow at all." Yusei stated with exasperation, "They chased me all the way from the water front. I finally lost them in the mall, before doubling back to come here, sprinting not wanting to be found. I'm glad I wore my training hoodie."

"Yusei, of course they are more interested in you." I soothed, reaching out a comforting hand, "You defeated me almost 3 years ago to take the world singles turbo duelling championship title, that you have since kept and defended, then you and I have become 2 time world tag turbo duelling champions, and our WRGP team has held the title since the first. You are the undisputed King of duels, Yusei. No one can look at your duelling career and not be impressed, then add in your good looks and your back ground, of course you are fangirl and press bait. Being sponsored only makes it easier for them to find you."

"I guess you're right." Yusei nodded, taking a breath to calm himself, standing up and walking over to accept my hand and shaking his hood down, "I'll just have to get used it. You think I have good looks?"

"You noticed that." I stated with a smile and a blush, "In fact, I think you are stunning, so 'good looks' is an understatment." Yusei blushed.

"You are a looker yourself, Jack." Yusei returned my compliment bashfully.

"So you haven't changed your mind?" I asked, since Yusei seemed to still be wearing his feelings for me on his sleeve, in front of me because we were alone at least.

"As I showed you, I am not denying my feelings for you anymore. I can't." Yusei answered me a fearful look in his royal blue eyes, "Why? Are doubting yours?"

"Of course I'm not doubting mine. I want you to be more than my friend." I answered Yusei, "I just thought, since everything is going to be fine, you might have calmed down and changed your mind."

"No, Jack, I haven't changed my mind." Yusei told me looking offended, "You should know me better than that, Jack. Once my mind is made up, I don't change it easily."

"So, you want accept me as your boyfriend?" I asked, not looking Yusei in the eyes.

"In case I wasn't clear enough yesterday," Yusei said, using his free hand, which he had placed under my chin, forcing me to look at him, "I deeply care for you and can't ignore my feelings anymore, so Jack Atlas, of course I accept you as my boyfriend." Yusei then sealed his words with a breif and soft kiss. 

As he sat back in the bed, I could only smile at him, my hand in his. How could Yusei render me so speechless? He just seemed so capable of controlling me feelings, and I didn't want it to stop, because he also seemed to be effortlessly beginning to mould himself to my feelings in return. 

"So, the docs have news on when you'll be getting out of here?" Yusei asked, clearly wanting me back home as soon as possible, "It is weird not having you around back home."

"The day after your first match." I answered simply. "In fact, I've been thinking about the WRGP actually."

"Yeah." Yusei returned with a glorious smile.

"I was thinking, just because I can't turbo duel right now, doesn't mean I can't help." I said feeling a little silly, "So I was wondering if have you submitted your decklist yet?"

"No," Yusei answered looking confused, "Why?"

"Pass me my deck." I told Yusei, who obliged my request. I quickly found the card I wanted, "My heart and soul are in these cards, and when it has really counted they have never let me down. So I thought if you used one of my cards, it would be like I was actually duelling with you."

"Jack I..." Yusei trailed off, he understood what I was getting at.

"Please Yusei, take Red Dragon Archfiend as a loan card," I requested softly, "I just know it will give you an edge. I just want to help you win." Yusei looked me in the eyes, as I placed my original, iconic ace monster in his hands. I saw his will melt as he bowed his head with a gentle smile.

"Sure Jack, I'll use Red Dragon Archfiend for the win." he answered needlessly as he took my card and placed it in his deck next to his iconic, Stardust Dragon. 

"Thank you, Yusei." I whispered as Akiza came into my hospital room.

"Just as Crow thought." she said by way greeting. I noticed her tone was very serious.

"Hello Akiza, nice to see you too." I said sarcastically, then I noticed the white box in her hand. This was important.

YuGiOh 5Ds: Accept me, accept us.(Pov of Jack Atlas)Where stories live. Discover now