Turn 19

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The second match up for team 5DS in the WRPG went smoothly. I had sat in the pits, which the announcer had stated, and on the tournament list, Yusei had made sure it said that I was listed a strategy advisor. Therefore my team id worked to get me in. Of course after the team had won, taking out team Beasties, a Scottish team competing for the first time, the press did ask why I wasn't competing and Akiza, who was one of our vip pass guests, looked at the floor as I told the press about the accident. We all knew it was going to make the headlines, along with the team's win.

In fact, the next four weeks sailed by. At each of my check ups my doctor was happy with how my ribs were healing, and the day before the finals, which team 5Ds had reached again without a defeat, gave me a clean bill of health. I smiled, glad I would be able to duel on and ride my duel runner again. It was going to feel good to ride again.

Yusei had been with me at all my check ups. Of course we had to cook up a cover story, because neither of us were ready to tell anyone we had started dating. Yusei had told everyone he felt responsible for my injuries, because of taking a prank too far. The excuse seemed to appease our curious friends. Well, most of them, Crow had rolled his eyes. This lead me and Yusei to be very careful when planning our dates, which were always when the others were too busy to notice us. So mostly when Crow had to work a night. But we also were careful in public to appear only as close friends. This was a little nuance, but we just weren't ready to go public, so we dealt with it.

Besides we were finding it very easy to get the alone time we wanted at home anyway. It was annoying however, when we couldn't get too close because of my ribs, or because Crow entered the room we were in. It was like he was spending all his time trying to catch us doing something. Of course Yusei and I wised up to what Crow was doing, and  were able to cover our tracks. Didn't stop me from wanting to rebreak Crow's nose.

However, Crow couldn't complain that I wasn't contributing around the apartment anymore. I had been spending so much time with Yusei in his workshop area, that I had started learning some of the basics of mechanics from Yusei. I had become skilled enough at the basics in the four weeks of competition that Yusei had allowed me to help him with his work, which increased the number of customers he could have. In fact, he had started fixing cars as well as motorbikes and duel runners. Of course I was no where near skilled enough for the super advanced engines Yusei had developed, but I could help him with reading test results from the computer when he was working on them. Of course, Yusei did keep his business open when we were competing, so we spent most of our time working on our duel runners. But neither of us cared what we were doing, so long as we were spending time together.

On the day of the finals, Yusei, Crow and myself arrived at the Kaiba dome at our designated pit box, to find a very green looking Kalin sitting on a chair. He looked ready to throw up.

"Hay Kal," Yusei greeted him concerned, "you ok, you look a little green?"

"This is my first final." Kalin explained, "I'm just so nervous, plus Trudge decided that he'd get tickets so he and Mina could bring West and Nico to sit in the stands."

"But why are you nervous," Crow asked sounding incredulous, "you've been duelling as well as me and Yusei. You're going to do great."

"Thanks Crow." Kalin smiled weakly, clearly not comforted, "But  West and Nico are going to be in the actual crowd." Yusie and I gasped at the same time. Crow had completely missed the point Kalin had been making. West and Nico had become like his own children to him over the two or so years since he took responsiblity for them, and he didn't want to lose in front of them.

"You really view those kids as your own don't you?" Yusei asked, knowing he was the only person who could make that statement and it not seem weird. Kalin nodded in confirmation.

YuGiOh 5Ds: Accept me, accept us.(Pov of Jack Atlas)Where stories live. Discover now