Turn 5

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I went to bed happy that night. I felt glad that I had someone to talk to about Yusei in Crow. I was even happier that Yusei seemed ok with my sexuality. I chuckled at my own stupidity. The dinner we'd had was loud because Leo was talking very loudly about the first ever duel he'd won at school, much to the distain of his sister. I wasn't too happy that Akiza was sat next to Yusei, but found it hard not to smile, when Yusei declined to go on a date with Akiza, causing her to pout.

I laid in my bed just thinking, waiting for sleep to take me. When it did, my final thought was, if all goes well we'd soon have a sponsor for the up coming 3rd annual World Riding Duel Grand Prix. We had become very successful in the last couple of years.

I was woken up by my alarm, which I'd set for the first time in ages because of the sponsors coming today. I had showered and dressed quickly, disappointed to find I had not dreamt of Yusei at all. But still I couldn't dream about him every night. 

"Jesus I fell fucking hard for him." I said to myself with a smile at the top of the stairs. 

"JUST DROP IT CROW!" I heard Yusei's angry yell. I rushed to the communal area, listening to my arguing friends. Why was Yusei shouting for the second day in a row? What had Crow said now?

"I won't. Why is it you keep turning Akiza down?" Crow asked sounding, or at least trying to and failing, innocent.

"It has nothing to do with you Crow." Yusei snapped as I rounded the corner to find both Crow and Yusei standing, red faced, glaring at each other with anger.

"Fine, then why do you always go with Jack when he invites you go and buy new cards? Why have you taken to making his morning coffee? It just doesn't fit with what you are telling me. Or anyone for that matter." Crow changed his question. I saw Yusei stiffen defensively. Neither had seen me coming into the room. I however, did notice that Crow was pointing at a cup of coffee.

"I just wanted to do something nice for a friend." Yusei hissed, "You know, because I felt bad for punching him the gut yesterday."

"Then what about yesterday?" Crow asked.

"Fuck you Crow!" Yusei snapped, "I'm going to work on the duel runners. Jack?" Yusei had turned to walk over to our duel runners and seen me standing in the door way.

"How much did you hear?" Crow asked looking sheepish.

"Enough." I said simply keeping my voice steady. "Crow, listen to people instead of pissing them off. Yesterday it was me, today Yusei. Stop it."

"But..." Crow started to argue.

"Stop it!" I screamed, causing both Yusei and Crow to jump. "You heard Yusei. He's trying to be a good friend. By the way thank you Yusei for another cup of coffee. From what I heard I have a clear idea of what you were saying. Crow and Yusei isn't like that. He likes Akiza, he has told me so. Let it go."

Yusei bumped past me by accident, as he rushed by me. I watched him, but I couldn't see his face because he had his head completely lowered, but I felt something wet drip onto my ungloved hand. I looked after Yusei as I realised that he was crying. That made me mad.

"Jack, why is your fist clenched?" Crow asked. I glared at him.

"He's crying, are you happy now?" I asked viciously, landing a firm punch on Crow's nose, which caused a satisfying crack. I had broken Crow's nose. I didn't regret it at all.

"As far as I can tell, he didn't leave crying until you said he liked girls." Crow growled, mopping at the blood dripping from his nose. "But if you can't see the obvious then I ain't going to point it out."  I gasped as I realised instantly what Crow was talking about. But it couldn't be true. I couldn't let myself hope. But if I was part of why he was crying then I was going to try and make Yusei smile again. I got a clean glass out of the musty cupboard, went to the fridge and got the milk out, some of which I poured into the glass, before putting the milk back. I puased to pick up the coffee Yusei had made me.

"Not another word from you Crow," I hissed, "not on this subject. These things can't be forced." I left the kitchen to go find Yusei, before Crow could make a come back.


I found him exactly where he'd said he would be. By the duel runners. But I could tell that he wasn't working on them, not even his own. Instead he seemed to be looking at something in his hand. I walked closer to him and saw he had his wallet out and was looking at a photo that contained an image of me, Yusei, Crow and our friend silver haired friend Kalin Kessler, that had been taken with a broken polaroid camera that Yusei had fixed, back when Neo Domino was still separate from the Sattelite. Before the whole enforcers thing that Kalin ended up getting arrested for, dispite Yusei had trying to take credit for it. He was stroking one of the figures in the photo. I took a moment to realise it was the figure of me he was stroking.

I froze. Everything I thought. That I'd convinced myself I hadn't seen. The looks I'd caught Yusei giving me that looked adoring, or even loving, the past several months. It was all real. I've been blinded by my own stupidity, I thought. Then I noticed the tear drops on the photo. Crow had pissed Yusei off, but I had made him cry. I felt like a fool.

"I thought you were going to be working on our duel runners?" I asked, to announce my presence to Yusei. He jumped to his feet hiding his wallet and whiping his face to hide the tears.

"I... I ..." Yusei searched for a reason that he couldn't find.

"Crow didn't make you cry." I stated. Yusei went red. "Sorry I'm a blind, selfish git." Yusei dropped his wallet on the floor.

"How..." Yusei began but trailed off looking at his right foot. I knew what Yusei was asking, and I also understood why his words were hard for him to say.

"I saw you looking at your wallet, that caused me to realise Crow was pointing out the obvious. Plus the coffee." I answered causing Yusei to blush, before he glared at the kitchen. "If it makes you feel better, I broke Crow's nose." I was relieved to see Yusei smile before he started to laugh. I joined in the laughter. Then I realised that it was the first time I'd heard him laugh and I felt the blush as it hit me that I'd made Yusei laugh.

"So you holding that milk for a reason?" Yusei asked, his normal calm, confident composure back.

"Call it a thank you for the coffee, and an apology for upsetting you, two days in a row." I answered walking over and giving Yusei the milk, "Plus I know its your drink of choice."

"Thank you." Yusei said, blushing as he sat down and began working on his duel runner. I sat close enough that I could watch Yusei skillfully use his tools to tune up his duel runner, pausing to sip from the milk I had brought him every now and then.

"I'll wait, you know." I told Yusei as he got up and began working on my duel runner, his face had smudge of grease on it. 

"What do you mean by that?" Yusei asked as he disappeared under my duel runner and from my view.

"I will wait for you, Yusei. It's clear that you were not ready for me to find out." I explained more clearly, moving to lean against his duel runner, "From the understanding I got from you yesterday, you are still getting used to the idea."

"I don't know what you're talking about Jack." Yusei said with a giggle, I kicked him playfully, "Ow Jack, I just hit my head."

"Sorry." I said as we shared another laugh.

YuGiOh 5Ds: Accept me, accept us.(Pov of Jack Atlas)Where stories live. Discover now