Turn 4

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30 minutes after Yusei had ended the video call, I was standing with Crow next to his duel runner. He had managed to get me to open up a little bit. He wanted to know more about my whole Yusei crush, for the most part, and he listened. I was grateful. I had needed to get it off my chest. I laughed internally, Yusei was right again, I did need to talk to someone about this.

"I mean, I can understand why you wouldn't tell us about your Yusei thing," Crow was saying as I looked over my shoulder in the direction of the sound of a group of duel runner engines, "it must be difficult being roommates with your crush. But why didn't you tell us about being gay?"

"You'll laugh." I countered looking at the floor, realising how dumb my past reasoning had been.

"Try me." Crow said playfully elbowing me in the ribs.

"I was scared of what you would both think." I admitted. "Especially after the Fortune Cup. I couldn't stand losing my friends again. Especially Yusei."

"You should tell him you know." Crow whispered as two duel runners and two small teens on motorised skateboards pulled up near our position. Yusei and Akiza must have been going slow for the twins. "About being gay. I'm not saying that the others should know, I just think you should at least tell Yusei, for his peace of mind. I'll keep the others back." Crow added at the alarmed look that must have been on my face. I nodded and sighed. Crow was right. I had to give my friends more credit. But I also didn't have to tell them all in one go.

The next thing I felt was a pain my gut, that left me winded and stumbling to stay standing. I looked up to see Yusei, who must have ran over, ditching the others, his fist still clenched. He'd punched me. I could see Crow running over to stop the others from coming with in earshot. Yusei hadn't stopped glaring at me.

"You selfish git!" Yusei snapped, an angry fire in his royal blue eyes. "How dare you storm off! How dare you... the day before we are due to meet our first sponsor."

"I'm sorry, Yusei." I said, standing up, still hugging my rib cage with one arm. "I just needed some fresh air."

"Do you know how concerned we all were?" Yusei asked still mad. But that didn't seem like the question he'd wanted to ask, if the glint of fear in his eyes wasn't just my imagination.

"I didn't mean to worry you g..." I began but was cut off by a sudden hug from Yusei, that screamed of his relief. I froze in shock. The only thought my stunned brain could manage was, Yusei is hugging me.

"Don't you ever make us worry like that again." Yusei ordered me, all his anger gone. "Especially right before a big tournament. You know we need you." Again I sensed that this wasn't quite what Yusei had meant to say. Or was my mind just playing tricks on me.

"I promise Yusei," I whispered, finally hugging Yusei back, with the arm that wasn't trapped between me and my closest friend, "I won't make you chase after me like this again." As Yusei pulled out of the hug, Crow caught my attention and mouthed what looked like 'Tell him' at me. Yusei saw me shake my head in exaspartion, and glanced at Crow, who was now trying to look innocent.

"That bird can't let anything go." I growled. Yusei looked first at me then at Crow with a quizzical look. "He and I talked." I began my explanation, "He got me to tell him somethings and we were able to patch things up. But now he is being a complete ass."

"Now a come to think of it, he does seem to be holding the others up." Yusei said thoughtful and confused.

"Yeah, he's an interfering little..." I left my sentence unfinished. I paused and took a breath, "He said I should tell you what I told him. Said I didn't need to tell the others. Yet."

"Look, if you don't want to you don't have to." Yusei countered, again concerned, most likely by the uncertain look I could feel on my face. My mind was racing, what if Yusei couldn't accept me being gay. No Crow was right. I had to give Yusei more credit, he was a very understanding person after all.

"I stormed off because Crow hit a raw nerve that I've been struggling with for a while now." I pushed on, drawing up my courage, "He then guessed right again when he found me, and was very gracious about the whole thing. He's only trying to help. I've also decided he's right. You should know, Yusei."

"Know what, Jack?" Yusei asked with concerned curiosity.

"I'm...gay." I breathed, not looking him in the eye.

"You're joking?" Yusei asked in an unbelieving voice. I remained silent refusing to look at him. "You're not joking. I had suspected, but never thought... I mean you're Jack Atlas."

I looked at Yusei, scared of seeing hate on his face and in his eyes, and while I saw the shock that I had expected, I also saw a look of admiration, respect and understanding.

"Please, Yusei, tell me what are you thinking?" I asked once I couldn't take his silence any more.

"Thank you, Jack," Yusei said giving me a comforting and appreciative hug, "for telling me, I know that must have been hard for you to say. But you could have told me anytime and I can promise you, it wouldn't have changed anything. You're my friend, and this could never changed that."

I felt a tear of happiness fall down my cheek, and brushed it away as Yusei released me. But I was also saddened me. It seemed that Yusei and I were only ever going to be friends. I met his eyes and knew he wouldn't tell anyone. Together we walked over to Crow and Akiza who was in a red and white dress and black knee high socks, her young face framed by her vivid red hair, and Luna and Leo, the bright blue haired twins.

"See Yusei," Leo said in his brash young voice, "I told you Jack was fine. He is a tough man after all."

"It is good to see you safe, Jack." Akiza said softly. "I was quite worried, because of the state, Yusei had worked himself into."

"Akzia." Yusei said, his tone was that of a warning.

"Ok, why don't we get something for dinner?" I suggested, wanting to avoid another fight. I didn't think any of us could take it. There was a general murmur of agreement and I rode with Crow on his duel runner, as he followed the others, going to the café over the road from where Yusei, Crow and I called home.

"Told you he would be ok with it." Crow gloated as no one could hear us.

"You are lucky that you are driving otherwise I would punch you." I informed him, even though I was smiling. At least I knew Yusei still wanted to be my friend. Crow laughed. 

YuGiOh 5Ds: Accept me, accept us.(Pov of Jack Atlas)Where stories live. Discover now