Turn 23

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I awoke the following morning due to the blinding sun light streaming in from my window. I looked at the clock on my bedside table, it was 6:30 in the morning. I turned my head to look at Yusei, who had shifted to lay on his front as we had slept in each others arms, his closest arm was flung over my chest. I smiled contentedly. Then I sighed. I supposed I had better get up and have a shower. I started to move to get out of the bed, gently.

"No, it's still early." Yusei moaned snuggling back into me. I laid back chuckling softly, I couldn't deny Yusei, "Do you think the others heard us last night?"

"Over that pounding music they were drunkenly listening to until about 3 in the morning?" I asked sarcasitically, "Not likely." Then a comfortable silence feel between me and Yusei, who had started playing with my hair. I kissed his head, wondering if I should tell my love what he'd said in his sleep. I concluded I shouldn't, he'd tell me himself how he felt when he was ready, and I wasn't ready for him to consciously know my full feelings yet either. That could wait.

We heard footsteps on the landing outside. It was probably Crow, Trudge, Mina or Akiza coming out of the toilet, I assumed. I could make out some indistinct muttering getting closer to my door, and recognised the voice as Crow's.

"...that is the last time I am up drinking until 3 in the morning." Crow was saying to himself. Yusei stiffened as Crow was very close to my door, and had stopped, by the sounds of it.

"He won't come in." I soothed.

"I wonder if Jack knows where Yusei has got to," Crow muttered to himself, "because I need him to make that hang over cure of his and he wasn't in his room." He knocked on my door. Me and Yusei didn't move. I think we both thought that if we were super still and quiet, Crow would think my room was empty and move on to look else where. We were wrong.

"Hay Jack," Crow said opening my door, "has Yusei messaged you about whe..." Crow trailed off as his eyes falling upon me and Yusei under the covers, blushing violently, clearly still nude. Shit! I thought venomously, covering my face with my hand, more worried about Yusei then myself. Crow let go of the door which closed behind him. His mouth hung open in shock. Yusei was stiff as a board next me, holding his breath.

"Jack? Yusei?" Crow finally managed to stammer. I glared at him, Yusei didn't move. I squeezed his hand under the covers in a supportive manner. "No, I am seeing things... I must still be drunk. It isn't what it looks like..." Crow began rambling.

"And just what does it look like?" I asked stonily, still glaring at Crow.

"Like you and Yusei ..." Crow trailed off making strange fidgety movements with his hands that indicated the vague idea of sex, that he couldn't put word to yet with his stunned, hung over mind. I felt Yusei sigh next to me, and he finally looked at Crow, sitting up.

"We've been caught Jack," Yusei stated a distant look on his face that worried me, because he looked too calm, "no point in hiding from Crow anymore."

"Wait so you did, you know what with..." Crow trailed off again, pointing at me. Ok so Crow wasn't taking it well, but then again he hadn't expected to find Yusei in my bed. Still he shouldn't have come into my room uninvited.

"Yes." Yusei answered calmly, and I thought I saw the flicker of a smile.

"But I thought you were straight." Crow said looking a little lost. "You told me about four weeks that you liked Akiza."

"Obviously I lied." Yusei answered, "I mean I wasn't ready to tell anyone, and then Jack walked in and the rest is history." They must have been talking about the argument I had interrupted between them the day of my accident, when I had figured out Yusei was struggling with his feelings for me. When I'd told him about my feelings for him after I had made him cry.

"But you had me convinced." Crow said.

"Wait so the day of my accident you confronted Yusei about his feelings?" I asked, my anger flaring as I sat up too, the covers were still covering the lower halves of myself and Yusei. Crow looked at the floor sheepishly. "Had you not learned from me running off the day before?!"

"I was trying to help you." Crow stated wincing at the pain in his head, "Also the others are asleep so keep it down." I blinked at him. He'd been trying to help. "So is this a new thing?"

"Crow." I growled, "Get out."

"Can't I show an..." Crow began.

"Not in here, there's a time and a place." Yusei interrupted before Crow could finish his question. "We can talk about this later, when the others are gone." Crow looked like he wanted to say something else.

"You heard us Crow." I growled my darkest growl, fixing Crow with my angriest glare, "We will explain later. In private, just us three." Crow got the message and scampered from room like a scared dog with its tail between its legs. I wasn't known as the thug of our team for no reason. When we were alone Yusei collapsed forward with his head in his hands, shaking. I was going to neuter Crow, he wasn't going to be having any chicks. Ever.

"Yusei, its ok." I said trying to gently pull him up into my arms, "Its ok." Then Yusei sat up and I saw that while he was crying, it was because he was laughing. "Yusei?"

"I guess we got busted." Yusei laughed, "But it was worth it to see the look on Crow's face." I hadn't expected this reaction from Yusei. I looked at him in shock. Yusei looked at me, and I could see that his eyes were gleaming with happiness.

"So," I began looking at Yusei in concern, "umm... you ok Yusei." I wasn't sure if I should reach out for him. Mostly because I was scared he would reject my gesture.

"Yes, I'm fine my Jack." Yusei answered me smiling warmly. My heart jumped.

"But we've been..." I began but stopped when Yusei placed a finger on my lips, moving to sit on my nude lap.

"After last night, of course I am fine." Yusei purred at me, holding my face with his hand, "The man I've been in love with since before I knew anything about it, gave me pleasure. I'm not happy that Crow burst in like he did just now. But we can deal with that later. Besides he needs time to process."

"You love me?" I asked, as I realised that Yusei had said it again, this time while awake. Yusei blushed as he realised he'd said too. I assumed it had just slipped out, which only made it all the more true. I smiled as I looked into those royal blue eyes that belonged to the man I loved and adored.

"Yes, I love you." Yusei answered, "I think it sank in last night. I realised you were my beckon of hope in the old days. You shone, and I loved you for it, before I knew what love was, before I even knew that I loved you. Every time you hold me, kiss, touch me, I know that I belong to you Jack." My spirit soured. Yusei placed his satin lips on my in a tender kiss.

"I love you too, Yusei, just the same as you love me." I breathed as we broke apart, "I am yours as equally you say you are mine." Yusei then sighed and got up, gathering his clothes and placing his boxers back on. I looked at him confused.

"Might as well get up now." Yusei answered my look. "I have some hung over drunkards to take care of. But one thing. Do you think Crow will have our backs?"

"Yeah, he might be a bird brain sometimes," I answered mirroring Yusei's movements, picking up my clothes, and getting fresh ones out for myself, "But after he found out about me, he told no one. In fact he seemed very understanding. I think we are safe for now."

"Good. Also look at it this way," Yusei said to me as he prepared to leave my room, his clothing bundaled under his arm, "since we don't have hide from Crow, we can make him pay for bursting in by being affectionate in front of him."

"You have a really dark sense of humour, my Yusei." I muttered with a laugh as Yusei left me in my room with a dark smirk and a nod.

YuGiOh 5Ds: Accept me, accept us.(Pov of Jack Atlas)Where stories live. Discover now