Turn 1

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I awoke unusually early, wondering what had roused me from my comfortable slumber. I had started myself awake, so it hadn't been a nightmare. In fact if anything, I felt unusually happy, as if I had been enjoying my dream. This only deepened my confusion. I turned my head on my soft pillow to look at the LED lights on my alarm clock. It was 5 am.

I pulled my duvet up over my head. It was far too early in the morning. Not even Yusei Fudo would be up this early. I started to roll over and noticed that my bed was wet. I lowered the duvet off of my head to look at the top of it. It seemed dry on top. I couldn't have wet his could? I had never done before, after all, I grew up in the rough streets of the Satellite. Therefore I threw the covers off of myself completely.

My wondering turned to confusion as I stared at the wet patch that was directly over my crotch. I reached over to my bedside lamp and turned it on and got out of my bed, and felt something trickle down my left leg, but it didn't feel like water. It felt far too sticky.

"What was I dreaming about?" I wondered out loud as I stood up, again feeling the sticky substance that could only be my own cum, trickle even more thickly down my legs, now convinced that this must have been what had woken me up. I thought hard as I stripped my cum stained pyjamas trousers and boxers, whipping the cum off with my boxers. 

I strained my memory as I walked into the bath across the dark hall, trying to recall my dream. All I could remember was a hazy figure and the sensation of extreme pleasure. I could infer that it had to have been a sexual dream, by my fuzzy details and the state that I woke up in. I threw my Pyjama trousers and boxers in the laundry hamper by the door to the bathroom as I closed the and locked it.

I turned toward the mirror that was hung over the sink. I looked flushed under my blonder hair, which looked like a bird's nest. My purple eyes watched me as I removed my pyjama shirt. They looked confused. I placed my hands on either side of the sink basin and looked down, closing my eyes.

It wasn't the first time I'd woken up like this, and especially in the last few weeks, it had been happening a lot. Each time I could only remember pleasure and ecstasy being given to me by an unknown, hazy figure. It was starting to get fruastrating.

"Who am I dreaming like that about?" I growled at myself, forcing my memory back. This time I could remember soft, but deceptively strong lips kissing me tenderly, everywhere they could reach. My right hand unconsciously traced the path. I pushed further through the hazy of the fading dream, forcing myself to remember more. The hands that had held me down were strong, and by their feel had known a tough life of work, but they were also young. I also remembered how skilfully those hands were as they played over me and my member. I'd called a name, but I couldn't remember whose. I then gave up as no more new details came to me. I picked up my tooth brush and roughly brushed my teeth.

I next turned the shower on, and pulled a towel out of the cupboard that laid under the sink. Like everything me and my roommates owned, it was second hand and battered. The towel however, was soft. As I stepped into the shower, I was hit be the feeling that I knew the lover in my dream, and that I knew them well.

I let the hot water of the shower relax my frustrated muscles. Obsessing of my recurring dream was getting me nowhere. Besides it was only a dream, I thought as I massaged the 2 in 1 shampoo into my hair. But that's the thing, I wanted it to be real.

I was startled out of my revere by a knocking on the wooden door.

"Yeah?" I yelled over the sound of the shower, as I turned it off slightly to hear the reply.

"Jack?" came the startled response from the voice I recognised as Yusei's. "Wow, you beat me up again. What is that, like the 12th time in a row?" Gasped, I suddenly remembered that there had been a voice that wasn't mine in my dream, and it had sounded almost exactly like Yusei's. Could it have been? I wondered.

"Jack? You alright in there?" Yusei called through the door.

"Yeah," I answered, pulling myself back to reality, not sure why I was so happy at the thought of being pleasured by my best friend. "I'm nearly done."

"Ok, I'll wait." Yusei called, and I turned the shower back to full blast and rinsed the shampoo out of my hair and the soap off of my body. I had my eyes closed and behind them saw what must have been an image from my dream. I saw it very clearly. Dark hair with electric, yellow shocks in the spikes, and deep royal blue eyes, that pulled back kissing, where my fingures traced to get rid of the soap. The man in my dream looked up at me, and said my name with Yusei's voice, as I looked into the eyes that I knew could have only been Yusei's, as the left eye had a facility mark under it, that matched Yusei's, then I remembered the name I had said.

My eyes flew open. "I'd said 'Yusei'." I breathed in shock. "Yusei and I had been having sex." I turned the shower off and grabbed my towel, wrapping it around my waist. I couldn't believe what I had been dreaming about. Yes, I wasn't shocked that I was having sex with a man, after all I already knew that I liked guys. But Yusei? Yes, I cared for him, but as if he was a brother, I reasoned as I unlocked the door staring at the floor. I opened the door and looked up, to see a tussle haired Yusei waiting for his turn in the shower.

The flush that I felt burning my cheeks, only added to my confusion, as I knew it wasn't due to me thinking about Yusei. It had happened as I looked at him, at the same time my heart had skipped and I'd gasped slightly. I bowed my head quickly and walked past him muttering a greeting at him, heart racing. I couldn't help looking back as I entered my bedroom, watching Yusei step into the bathroom and closing the door. But the seeing as I'd been able to get to my bedroom before Yusei had shut the bathroom, he must have watched me. Most likely out of concern, after all, my behaviour must have appeared very strange to him.

I let my door swing closed, as more images from my dream returned to me. I was in no doubt now. I had dreampt that I had been having sex with Yusei, and I also knew that I wanted nothing more than for my dream to have been real. But I knew it couldn't be. Yusei didn't see me that way.

I felt a tear trickle down my cheek as I walked over to my wardrobe and dressed myself for the day in a light grey pair of jeans, a pale blue button up shirt and my long white coat with a deep blue lining. I brushed the tears away quickly. I was Jack Atlas after all, and I hadn't cried once in my life, I scolded myself, as I sat down at my second hand dressing table and began styling my hair in my normal style.

"That's lie." I whispered to myself in defeat, unable to ignore the facts anymore, "I've cried three times in my life. The first was after I had escaped the Sattelite. I'd felt guilty for stealing Yusei's Stardust dragon and his duel runner that he'd built from scrap, but I'd also felt like I'd lost Yusei that day. Second was just before the fortune cup, after I had returned Stardust to him. That day I was convinced I'd permanently lost his friendship, and the anger and hate I'd seen on his face and in his eyes had stabbed me like a dagger. The thrid had been after Yusei had crashed his new duel runner after losing control of it in his first duel against Kallen when he was a dark Signer. I honestly thought Yusei was dead, I'd felt hollowed out that day, as we had just renewed our friendship."

I'd been relieved when I'd seen Yusei was safe and alive a handful of weeks later. In fact, looking back, I realised, that had been the day I had fallen in love with him, I just hadn't realised it yet back then. I looked at my bedroom door.

"I love you Yusei. For years, I have loved you." I whispered, just needing to say it. "That day a saw you alive, it was like I saw you for the first time, and I knew that I would be whatever you needed me to be. Best friend, rival, teammate. But I can hope maybe one day something more." I finshed getting ready.

YuGiOh 5Ds: Accept me, accept us.(Pov of Jack Atlas)Where stories live. Discover now