Turn 8

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"Why wasn't I told immediately?" a hysterical Carly demanded, staring at Yusei through her spiral patterned, circular glasses, her hands on her hips. Yusei looked at her startled for a moment, before regaining his composure.

"We called everyone, but we didn't know your number Carly." Yusei said, giving the reason.
"Jack has my number." Carly spat flipping her long black hair with her hand. "Why didn't you ask him?"

"Because he passed out. He couldn't give us your number." Yusei stated.

"Then why didn't you send someone to look for me?" Carly asked, seeming to me like she was looking for a reason to hit Yusei, if I was right about the jealous look in her eyes.

"Crow went to look for you," Yusei countered sounding a bit fed up, and I couldn't blame him, "he couldn't find you."

"Yeah right, Yusei." Carly spat at him, "It was because of you that I had to find out from Angela Raines! Do you know how humiliating that was?"

"I'm sorry that we couldn't find you Carly, we tried because you are Jack's friend." Crow said stepping in as Yusei shook his head in answer to the hot tempered, fangirl reporter.

"I call bullshit." she snapped turning on Crow pointing a finger furiously as she spoke, "I bet you are helping Yusei keep me and Jack apart." We all looked at Carly in surprise.

"What are you talking about?" Yusei asked trying to inject a fake laugh into his question, "I would never hide this kind of thing from you. Everyone in this room is friends with Jack, so of course we tried to reach you."

"Don't think I haven't seen the looks you've been giving Jack over to past several month Yusei Fudo." she said with an accusing tone, almost hitting Crow in his already broken nose as she slice the air with her hand. I noticed that it had been set. The doctors must have done it. Yusei's face turned red, I'm not sure whether it was from anger or embarrassment.

"You've been giving him loving puppy dog eyes for weeks now. But you can't love him like I can." Carly continued pointing a finger at Yusei, whose face was definitely angry now.

"Jack, Crow and I grew up together in tough conditions that I doubt you will understand Carly." Yusei hissed, barely above a whisper to hide his rage. I wanted to reach out for Yusei's hand but thought better of it. "So of course I love them both, like they are my brothers."

I knew that Yusei looked on me and Crow as brothers in the past, especially since all of us were orphans. We'd become our own little family, Crow, Yusei, Kalin and I, and we had gone through some shit. Shit that Kalin eventually got arrested for, after driving our little band of brothers apart.

But after the events of, what to me felt like yesterday but was actually a day and a half ago, I knew that while Yusei wasn't lying, he wasn't telling the whole truth either. Well it was a half truth, which only highlighted to me that Yusei wasn't ready for anyone to learn, what Crow suspected and I knew, about him not only being gay or bisexual at the very least, or that the brotherly feelings that Yusei had once had for me had grown into something else. I understood, because I didn't want the others to find out either, so I wasn't even mad.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Yusei." Carly said mirroring Yusei's livid face, who was also shacking with rage.

"Shut up, Carly." Yusei hissed clearly fighting the urge to punch her, after all Yusei was like Crow and I, none of us would even lightly hit a woman unless she was hurt a child first.

"Why, Yusei," Carly teased cruelly, "are you jealous of me, because I'm closer to being what Jack wants than you?"

The plastic cup behind Yusei, on the night stand broke with a cracking noise. Since Carly and Yusei were glaring at each other in rage, ignorant to the world, only Crow and I saw it coincided with Yusei clenching his fists as tight as it they would go. It was as if Yusei's anger had been a hand that had been holding the cup, and as the anger got more and more out of control the tighter the grip was until the cup couldn't take it anymore and shattered under the pressure.
I glanced at Crow, who nodded, understanding the concern on my face, and knew what I wanted to ask him to do. Get Carly out of the room.

YuGiOh 5Ds: Accept me, accept us.(Pov of Jack Atlas)Where stories live. Discover now