[CHAPTER 21] KAGEYAMA TOBIO *headcannon*

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So im just gonna be frank here and tell you that this ones gonna be HELLA short. Like, less than 1000 words short. Maybe less than 700 bc im tired right now and want to sleep😴😴



Kags has never been truly endeared before, so he gets extremely blushy and red when you call him something as meaningful as ' dear' or 'sweetheart'.


Tobio was someone you never understood sometimes. One day he would be all over you and barking at anyone who came near you, and another he would be to busy to give you a kiss saying that volleyball was his only love.

And even though it should hurt, you thought it was funny. Being his girlfriend for just over a year now, you knew what the things he said truly meant. You knew that volley wasn't his only love, and you certainly knew that he was bad at cracking jokes.

This innate ability of yours to read him like an open book was the most hilarious thing sometimes. You might tease him, or perhaps you would tell a joke about how clueless he was sometimes.

You weren't the best person when it came to treating people with respect, as you can tell. But, even with al your lovely flaws, Tobio still managed to adore every miniscule thing about your personality.

It excited him when he saw how you'd cheer at his games. He loved the way your sweat would mix with your perfume after gym practice, though he'd never admit that.

One of the cutest things you found about him was how wide and doe his eyes would become with his little pout whenever he was confused or wanted your attention. And it would make your heart race out of your chest when you saw his blush every time you gave him a surprise kiss.

Your greatest achievement in making your heart race happened today, actually. You always felt like he was a natural marriage kind of person, so it surprised you when he acted this way.

" Tobio-chan?"

You heard him hum in response as he stared down at his work.

"...do you need help?" You stifled a laugh as you studied how determined his pout looked this afternoon, school having already ended.

" No way, Y/n-chan. I got this." He was baring holes into the math questions, so you snatched it from him before his pupils caused a fire to erupt on the poor paper.

" Calm down, okay? We don't want your tiny brain to burn out."

You poked the circle thing on his head where his hair parted and his face reddened, making your heart beat run. He banged his head on the table, a new reaction he has.

" Can I have help?" You heard him mumble against the table.

You patted his head with a kind smile and sat beside him. " Of course."

You looked at all his answers, and your kind smile slowly dropped to a confused frown as your eyes traveled further down his answers. These were the easiest questions, so how the hell did he get these??

" Okay, " You took his pencil and began instructing, " if you square this number and put it here instead of this X, you can find it's perfect square."

" Okay, and then I add Y and X to get L's square root!" He began writing all sorts of things, and you wondered how he got all those answers wrong if he knew how to do it.


Twenty minutes had passed and you decided it was time to check his work. His face screamed how proud he was.

You felt your heart flutter at how cute he was, taking his homework. ONCE AGAIN your happy face slowly died into a confused frown. There were scribbles all over the place and a tear in the paper where he erased to hard.

The only thing that gave you hope was the very tiny doodle of you in the bottom corner of his paper.

You face palmed and looked at him with exasperated eyes.

" How even- What-? I don't even-" You kept on cutting yourself off, not knowing how to start.

You sighed and basically retaught him the whole subject from the start to finish. How is someone that idiotic???


At last, an hour later filled with stress and his cute pouts, he handed you his work for the final question. You had helped him with the others and told him to do this one by himself.

You looked at the question with a tired face, already expecting the worst. Your sad face twisted into a unbelievable grin as you saw all the correct work.

You jumped up triumphantly. " You did it! The correct everything! It's all correct!"

A wave of serenity washed over you two as he breathed a sigh of relief. You engulfed him into a hug, flowering him in kisses.

" Good job honey! I'm so proud!"

HIs already red face turned 100 shades darker at that name. Never in his life had he been called honey. Him mom normally calls him Tobio-chan like you, but he liked when you called him honey.

It makes him feel like you're on the same page as him in terms of marrying each other. He allowed a small smile to Surface as he hugged you back, muttering a ' thank you, honey' into your shoulder.


this is probably the shortest one I've written😟😔😩

Idk why but I just hate writing short chpaters for some reason. Like, It makes me feel like I'm not giving them enough love or something ToT


Update: oml im so sorry I thought I published this already😭😩😢