P1--[CHAPTER 39] Atsumu Miya * Independent Woman*

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I got this idea while drinking coffee☕

And pretend that Hiroto is apart of the team pretty please🙏

Also, sorta angst and triggering but not for you. Its for another character in the story.


" Y/n-chan, Soji-chan wants to ask you something." Your best friend, Kip, told you. He had a slight pout on his face and you could tell it was because he, once again, got told off by Soji.

Often times Soji would yell at Kip because he was too flirty with him despite him telling your friend that he was straight. In all honesty though, you knew Soji was lying when he said that.

Mostly because he told you himself how much he liked Kip, he was just a tsundere. Like, level 100 tsundere. You poked Kip's shoulder and gave a small smile.

" One day your constant pestering will work, so don't give up!"

His eyes slightly lit up as you walked away, smiling as his hope raised. You stopped in front of the teal-haired boy and tapped his hair. He turned around to face you and wore his usual, small bored expression.

" Asuka wants to know if you'll hang out with her after school today. She's absent so she texted me to ask you." He deadpanned. Asuka was his 3rd year older sister in who'd taken a great liking to you because she thought her brother had no friends.

" Yeah, tell her I'll be there by five. I'm gonna buy us some drinks."

Why did I say yes before checking with mom.....???

Soji could tell what you were thinking and waited as you sheepishly whipped out your phone and quickly asked your mom if you could stay over. Luckily she said yes.

You nudged your friend's shoulder as you put your phone away, a smug grin on your lips." You know, Kip's free today, too. Maybe I should bring him ove-"

" No, " He interrupted," as lovely as that'd be, Hiroto invited his team over to hang out, so I have to be there."

You eyes screamed excitement. You loved hanging out with the Volleyball team, they were so much fun to be around. You knew Hiroto was a middle blocker for their team and first lineup, and because you were friends with Soji you came to practice with him sometimes.

Upon the first meeting with the team, you all hit it off immediately. You were naturally vibrant and excitable, and they were the perfect match to become friends with.

" Y/n, don't bother them this time."

Jeez Hiroto, u forget ur filter???

" Whyyyy, I want to hang out with my children! Osamu's said he'd make me food next time he was over, too!!" You whined.

" Because you're a human magnet and they'll want to hang out with you instead of Hiroto. And then he'll get mad at me."

You crossed you arms and walked back to your seat. It's not your fault if the team likes you better than his boring brother. Hiro doesn't even talk about anything other than architecture and volleyball, so what is there to do at Soji's house other than listen to boring talk. For Asuka's twin, he sure was different from her.

But, of course you've got respect for your friend's wishes, so you decided you wouldn't interact with them. For the most part.

At the end of the day you, Soji, and Kip all walked together, Kip splitting at his street. You happily said your goodbyes to him, but Soji quietly whispered his. See this was something hat didn't make sense to you.