Chapter One

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Nickolas Gene Carter was never the average Joe.

No, in his world, everything seemed to orbit around the extraordinary. Whether it was in his career as one fourth of the Backstreet Boys, or his life in general, nothing was simple. He noticed that in all honesty, his life was never uncomplicated. Even when he laid low and stayed out of trouble, something always came up to keep things interesting. He tossed his jacket on the couch as he walked into his condo. He headed into the kitchen, his stomach rumbling mildly as it did. It was an observation caused by the run around he'd been forced to give some stalker fans, on his way home. Rather than leave him be, they followed his car to the point where he decided to speed up and make as many random turns as he could till he lost them.

They were in Los Angeles again, putting the final touches on yet another album. He was anxious for it; he wanted to return to Tennessee. He'd have never thought it, but the southern state did something for him. Not that he liked admitting Brian had been right about that. It'd been the Kentuckian's suggestion that Nick avoided both the east and west coasts during their time off, and tried going south somewhere. The vibe was nothing like the shallow ones he knew of in California, and was even better than Florida, the home state he still loved but couldn't get any peace in. Too many knew how to find him there.

Still, what bothered him wasn't anything like that. Overall, Nick found himself okay with everything. Happy was too strong a word. He was single once again, Lauren having dumped him the year before over his inability to fully commit to anything. She wanted to settle, and Nick despite everything, couldn't do it. He often wondered if he loved her the way he thought he did. If he had, why couldn't he marry her the way she wanted him to? He never believed in marriage, but he had once figured that if a woman he was in love with wanted it, he'd do it for her.

So when Lauren asked, it should've been an easy yes, right? Instead it lead to an intensely difficult no, and the demise of their relationship.

'Why am I thinking about this anyway? Oh yeah, cause I was dumb enough to move near her place cause I figured I could love the damn condo and ignore the fact she's so damn close'

He'd bought his latest LA residence almost immediately after the split, even though he went back to Tennessee for the next six months. But anytime he had to come to town, thoughts of his ex soon followed. Nick had just loved the airy layout of the condo too much to say no to it despite the proximity and the way it got to him. He sighed as he rummaged through his refrigerator, pausing and chuckling at his watch that was waiting inside, beeping at the start of the hour, next to the milk.

"How, must've fallen off last night when I got in." He told himself, ignoring the fact it likely didn't. The most likely explanation, he knew, deep down, was that he'd been drunk beyond reason the night before. He probably thought the fridge was his countertop at that point. Nick grabbed the sports watch and strapped it on his wrist, still lost in thought.

That had been the other reason Lauren left, his drinking. Although he never binged the way he had before, or let himself fall into the habits that had consumed his twenties; at the age of thirty five, Nick found himself drinking more recklessly once again. He knew everyone was concerned, but in all honesty, Nick had a handle on things. It was just that, as he got older, he found more reasons to escape the world.

Spotting what he was looking for, he reached in and grabbed the apple from the back. If nothing else, he still ate healthy, determined as ever to keep his shape trim. His cell rang, and exerting a sudden rush of energy, he shut the fridge, thrust himself over his countertop and lunged for the couch where the jacket still lay.


"Hi Nicky!" he made a face. After all these years, still he couldn't tolerate being called "Nicky", he'd never forgive Howie for making sure the world tried to call him that during his teen years. The voice was female and vaguely familiar. Though he couldn't put a name to it. Playing "Name That Groupie!" in his head was never a fun thing to try and do when on the phone with said one night stand. He knew it had to be one, cause no one legitimately close to him called him Nicky. They knew better. His mother called him Nicky, which said all it needed to about their relationship.

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