Chapter Thirteen

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Knock. Knock. Knock.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

Nick rolled his eyes as he sat on the other side of the door, leaning against it on the off chance Brian or Kevin were able to find a key or pick the lock. They'd been trying all morning, in fact it was their fault he woke up, hearing them trying to get the door open. The night before had been enough drama to last a lifetime. Or, at least till he forgot about his. He'd hid out in the open after Brian overheard him yelling at Kevin, amongst the Littrells he knew they'd want to keep oblivious to it for now. So although he knew Brian wanted to try and talk, although he knew it was selfish, he ran away the best way he could. Once he was able to slip away, he did, keeping the door locked to the guest room he had been hiding out in ever since.

It was growing harder cause he could smell the breakfast Brian's mom was cooking at this point, but still, he could manage. He laughed at himself. So this was how he was going to spend Christmas day. Locked away in a bedroom trying to hide from the world as he fought to keep himself from crying.

Almost feels like a Carter Christmas after all.

"Nick come on!"

"Brian, forget it, he's not coming out." He heard fading footsteps and waited. Kevin was known for the fake out tactics over the years. What, did they think he was twelve? Completely gullible and able to fall for tricks that were over a decade old? If they wanted him to come out that badly, Nick knew they'd have to try harder.

"He really left Nick."

Nick breathed deeply, attempting to calm himself. He was completely unsuccessful of course.

"Daddy Kev's you gonna come out now? Talk to me? I know you're awake. I heard you trip over your suitcase when you did."

Nick didn't answer, instead he wondered how everything could go so badly in seven months time. Was it really only that long ago where he thought he had so much time to get his act together? He asked himself silently for what had to be the billionth time what did he do to deserve this? And he knew it was only going to get harder. This was exactly why he didn't want anyone knowing. All it did was upset them, and make things even harder for him to try and cope. His head rested against the cool wooden door, shutting his eyes. All he wanted was to block it all out, to make it go away. He wished for simple oblivion, a bliss he was no longer welcome to have.

"Okay, if you don't come out. I'm just gonna sing to you all day. I know you're awake Frackolas..."

A smirk appeared despite himself. Brian had to go up a level in his ploy to get Nick to open the door. He thought about how complicated everything was. How he didn't care if Brian wanted to talk about it, he didn't. He didn't want to see the look of shock and despair on his best friend's face again, the way he did last night. Opening his eyes, he smiled sadly at the pile of gifts he unpacked last night. This was supposed to have been an escape from the drama.

"Alright you Chipmunks, Ready to sing your song?..." he could hear Brian asking in a deeper voice.

"No..." Nick muttered, trying his damnedest not to laugh. "You are not..."

"I'd say we are!" He continued, mimicking the Chipmunks. "Yeah, Lets sing it now!"

He's insane...and it won't work. Keep trying Frick.

"Okay, Simon? OK. Okay, Theodore? OK. Okay Alvin?...Alvin?...ALVIN!!! OKAY!!"

Nick fought the laughter that spilled out despite everything. He needed to keep himself quiet or he knew Brian would never leave him alone. He waited, and then suddenly he heard guitar strumming. Nick blinked, Brian was going to play the song too?

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