Chapter Ten

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Nick stared at the scars that ran along his right arm. They zigged and they zagged, standing out harshly, pale in contrast to his tanned skin. They'd be a reminder till the memories finally went, of the day his life crashed and burned before him. Or started to, anyway. He got closer to the mike stand in the booth. His eyes closed as he let himself just escape into the music.

It's like I'm screaming now...
I can't make a sound
And I don't know how to move on...
Wish I could just go back
But I can't do that...

His voice was soft and gentle, soothing and haunting. The song was about lost love, but to Nick, it was about losing himself. The self he wanted to be once more. Everything that felt like slipping through his fingers, he yearned for them as he sang. He pulled away from the mike for a moment when the music faded out. "How's that?"

"Wow, that was downright depressing, in a good way."

Nick laughed, stepping out and grinning at Mike. "Thanks? I think."

"Always ready with the flattery for ya." The two had been recording together all morning. Nick had him flown out to where he was yet again. It'd been three weeks since their last session in Ohio. Now they were in Richmond, Virginia. Leighanne was due to join them in a couple days. Leigh had already come by with James only a week before.

"I think it's coming out good though, my fave track yet. I should go back in, lay some more adlibs on and see how it comes out."

Mike glanced up at the clock on the wall behind Nick. "Don't you have a show tonight?"

He glanced at his watch and blinked. An hour before sound check was supposed to go on. He felt like screaming. "Shit! I gotta get going. Thanks!" How could he forget something important like that?

"Later Nick!"

As he quickly headed out with a final wave to his friend, he ran out to the road, where he hoped he could quickly catch a cab. While Richmond was no New York City, he knew he could probably find a cab without having to actually call for one. At least, so he hoped. The fellas were going to kill him if he was late. Not to mention their manager, no doubt about it. He wasn't looking where he was going as he pulled out his phone. Which Backstreet Boy to call first? Turned out, it was a question he wouldn't have to answer as the phone buzzed within his hand.


"Nick where are you?!"

"I'm sorry Howie! I'm on my way. I swear."

"Sound check was supposed to start TEN MINUTES AGO!"

"What?" Finally, he flagged down a cab. "I thought it was in an hour."

This shit can't mess with my sense of time can it? Note to self: Ask the next Doctor I see at the next tour stop. Because of his touring, Nick had sent Dr. Hansen his schedule. He then faxed Nick's files to the Doctors he'd be seeing on the road since Nick refused to have a nurse or doctor tour with him. At some of the stops, Nick was forced to sneak away for check up appointments every four weeks. They didn't take long, they were more for memory tests, checking upon the progression, and how he was reacting to the medication. Still, it was just another lie to add to the pile that continuously rose. Nick stared at the cab when the driver honked to get his attention back to reality once again.

"Yo, can ya get in already big shot?" He called out with a thick Brooklyn accent. Nick raised a brow as he got in. Not something he expected seeing as he was down south.

"Why-" he shook his head. "Never mind, Richmond Coliseum man, and step on it." He went back to Howie who was still on the cell phone, and now cursing at him angrily in Spanish, amusingly enough. Those were mainly the words Nick knew, thanks to Howie.

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