Special Chapter: InariofUS20 vs Nightwolf [MK11]

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Game Master: Hi, you all still remember me! Well, for those who don't, I'm Game Master and this is a project called World Jumpers! My Master/Creator, HearthFallow, has allowed me to show you all how InariofUS20, also known as Keith Levi, has earned the powers of Nightwolf from the Mortal Kombat series.

HearthFallow: I'm only doing this because readers might get curious as to how Keith gained Nightwolf's abilities. And it's also because you wouldn't stop whining about it and even asked for your sister to help!

Game Master: Can't really blame her, she's really persuasive.

HearthFallow: You're all persuasive! Just show them the story damnit!


The two Glitch Heroes and their parties had just finished making the food for the refugees. Keith decided to wander off the ruined village. While wandering, he encounters a wolf that just glared at him before walking away. He also encounters a bear that glares at him before wandering off. And finally, an eagle soars above him for a while before flying away.

He walks back to where the group was. Along the way back, he detects an incoming projectile headed towards him. He quickly does a 90° turn and catches an arrow made from green energy.

Keith: Green spiritual arrow. My guess... Nightwolf..?

Nightwolf comes out from the shadows with his spiritual wolf, Kiba, the bear spirit, Komo, and an eagle spirit perches on his arm, which was Hana.

Keith: That is so cool. I'll be sure to use your powers wisely, Great Spirit.

Nightwolf: Your confidence is inspiring young one, but it will not be enough to earn the Great Spirit's assistance.

Keith: And to earn it, you'll challenge me to the trial of combat.

Nightwolf: Indeed. The Great Spirit will deem you worthy once you defeat me.

Keith grabs his Leviathan Axe as Nightwolf grabs his tomahawks. Both fighters ready themselves to battle. The eagle screeches as both fighters charge at one another.

Nightwolf swings his axe at Keith, who slides beneath the attack and clotheslines Nightwolf's foot. The Matokan shaman recovers and dodges an overhead strike from Keith's axe. He kicks Keith in the face, which staggers him, before hacking and slashing him with his tomahawks. However, Keith was prepared for the attack and blocks the attacks with his shield.

Keith jumps backwards and throws his Leviathan Axe at Nightwolf, who throws his tomahawks at the axe. Both weapons were glowing and infused with their specific elements. Leviathan Axe has ice and the tomahawks have green energy. Both weapons collided and causes a small explosion.

Keith grabs his Blades of Chaos and starts swinging them at Nightwolf, who was dodging the attacks. The Matokan Shaman then conjured a bow made of green energy and fired a few arrows at the blonde kitsune, who blocks with his shield. This gave Nightwolf a chance to charge at Keith.

Keith lowers his shield and was met with a fist to the face, forcing him to drop his Blades of Chaos. Keith blocks another fist from Nightwolf before swinging at the Matokan Shaman.

He starts delivering light and swift punches at Nightwolf, who barely blocks them all. Keith then started using his feet to do a sweep kick, knocking Nightwolf to the ground. Nightwolf recovers but was met with a flying roundhouse kick from the blonde fox.

Nightwolf: I'm impressed, but the Great Spirit is not.

Keith: I can go all day. Well, I think...

Nightwolf then charges at Keith, who activates his shield in attempt to block a punch. Instead of a punch, Nightwolf did a sweep kick which knocked Keith down. He summons a tomahawk and engulfs it with lightning. He tries to swing the tomahawk at Keith, only for the fox boy to roll out of the way.

Keith stands up and tries to attack Nightwolf, only for him to grab his arm and start punching the blonde kitsune. Nightwolf lets go of Keith's arm and starts delivering a series of punches and kicks. He ends it with a uppercut, which sends Keith flying a few feet away. Keith lands hard on the ground.

Nightwolf: This is your end.

Keith: I doubt it.

Keith recalls his Leviathan Axe and uses it to fire a beam of ice at Nightwolf. With Nightwolf frozen in place, Keith decides to finish the fight by striking down Nightwolf. As the Matokan Shaman was about to accept his death and defeat... The Leviathan Axe's blade stops a few inches from Nightwolf's face.

Nightwolf: Why are you not striking me down?

Keith: A warrior like you deserves an honorable death.

Keith grabs his Blades of Chaos and activates the fires, using the flames to melt the ice.

Nightwolf: I may die, but the mantle will live on.

Keith: Even if the mantle will live with me, I can't just strike down a warrior with a noble heart. Like what you did with your tribe, I will do everything I can to gain your abilities without having to kill you. Even if it costs me my life.

Nightwolf closes his eyes and smiles. He opens his eyes and places a hand at Keith's shoulder.

Nightwolf: The Great Spirit has spoken. You are worthy of their aid.

Keith perks up from this as Nightwolf holds out his hand for Keith to shake. The blonde fox smiles and shakes his hand. Keith then felt a surge of power coursing through him as the wolf, bear, and eagle spirits entered his body and the mantle of Nightwolf was given to him.

> Glitch Characters <
> Kratos [God of War 4 Variant]
> Nightwolf [Mortal Kombat 11 Variant] {New}

Keith smiles and looks up the sky and sees the same eagle from before, flying over him and disappears into the clouds.

Keith: I will live up to the name of Nightwolf. That's a promise!

He then heads back to where his party is as the scene fades to black.


Game Master: So, that's that! Hopefully you all liked this special chapter of InariofUS20 vs Nightwolf!

HearthFallow: Now, I'mma head back to working on a new chapter.

Game Master: Can I add more chapters like these in the future so the readers will know the different interactions with the two World Jumpers and the other videogame characters?

HearthFallow: *sigh* We're also going to be doing some books that follow videogames.

Game Master: So you're going to be doing the entire Breath of the Wild story in a book? Which is around 15 hours or more!

HearthFallow: ... Probably not ... And fine, you can continue these Special chapters.

*Vanoss Soundboard* Alright!!!

Game Master: Anyways, hopefully you all enjoyed this chapter and the future chapters to come! ✌🏻

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