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i woke up and went downstairs only to have cake shoved in my face. i looked around and saw everyone with their vlog cameras out and their phones.

jsh: "your officially in sway now!!"

i let out a small cough since i wouldnt breathe through my nose. i walked over to the sink and they set the smashed cake next to me.

while washing my face off, i ate some of the cake.

jsh: "i leave her alone for 1 minute and now shes eating the cake"

he said while talking to his camera. i giggled and continued washing my face.


we were now back home after everyone getting wasted and all that fun stuff. jaden, josh, bryce and blake were going on a roadtrip starting today.

josh told anthony to watch over me which sucked but i didnt really care anymore.

jsh: "were about to leave!!"

we all ran downstairs and i gave josh a big hug, hoping he doesnt get sick.

k: "dont be idiots. stay out of trouble"

its been pretty boring but they have been on the road for about 3 days and now they were in texas.

josh's pov:
bryce and jaden were in the back smoking and doing some bad stuff while me and blake sat infront.

i was driving while glancing in the mirror making sure they werent being to bad.

jsh: "y'all gotta chill with those drugs"
j: "its nothing bad"
br: "it kinda is"
bl: "y'all are so dumb"

next thing we know a cop pulled us over. fuck.

c: "everyone step out of the vehicle"

he announced. we all sat on a nearby curb as he searched the vehicle.

c: "we have found some illegal drugs in there. we have reason to arrest you all"

shit. i was about to get deported.

br: "no no, blake and josh didnt do anything"

after minutes of arguing, jaden and bryce were arrested with bail.

jsh: "what the fuck do we do?!"
bl: "i dont know!"

i decided to call kai.

jsh: "h-hey"
k: "whats up?"
jsh: "were in a bit of a situation"
k: "what the fuck did you guys do?"
jsh: "jaden and bryce... uh, got arrested"
k: "your shitting me right?!"
jsh: "n-no?"
jsh: "they have bail though"
k: "let me talk to the officer"

i handed my phone to the officer while he walked away with it. i was nervous. really nervous.

jaden's bail was $6,500 and bryce was 4,500.


soon he came back and gave me my phone. but no one was on the other line.

jadens pov:
after about an hour of waiting, a cop finally came in.

c: "your free to go boys"

me and bryce quickly got out and walked to josh.

j: "how did we get out?!"
jsh: "i dont know but i think it was kai"
j: "your joking!!"
jsh: "no."
b: "so your telling me that she just fucking spent 11 grand on our bail?!"

he nodded.

jsh: "she was pissed. i have never heard or seen her so upset"
j: "really?"
jsh: "yes. she was really mad at us all"

i quickly pulled out my phone and texted my mom.

im out mom


kai bailed us

How much did
she spend?

she bailed me and
bryce so 11k

Oh my! Please give me
her number so I can
thank her

i texted her number then called kai. she quickly picked up.

j: "im so sorry kai"
k: "drugs?!! fucking drugs jaden!! i told you to stop all this shit. i cared. i didnt want you to get hurt"

i heard the hurt in her voice and it started breaking.

k: "i-i tried t-to keep you s-safe jaden. please stop b-being so fucking i-ignorant and stupid"

she screamed while i heard her voice break even more while she cried.

k: "get your shit together!!"

she hung up, leaving me speechless.

j: "hurry up and get back"

we started to get on the road to drive back to LA.

𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐑𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬 | 𝐉𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now