T W E N T Y - S I X

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i woke up with jaden which felt nice since it had been awhile. he was already awake and on his phone. i looked up at him and he quickly looked down at me.

"good morning beautiful"
"good morn-" i was cut off by a loud knock.

jaden quickly got up and opened the door to reveal nessa.

"can i talk to kai really quick?"
"yeah sure" he said.

i walked out the room and she dragged me downstairs and into the spare room.

"pack a few pairs of clothes and all that" she said sternly.
"what?! why?!"
"just do it!" she said.

i nodded slightly panicked and ran upstairs. jaden must have been in the shower or something because my bathroom door was closed.

i threw some clothes and hygiene stuff into a bag and went downstairs. i saw nessa writing a note and then running into my room to place it down. she came back down and grabbed my hand, leading me into her car. she started it up and started driving.

"what the hell are we doing?" i asked.
"i needed to get you out of the house"
"because kai. you need some time away from jaden"
"its toxic kai. your relationship is toxic"
"no its not" i said while letting out a huff.
"yes it is kai richards! he cheated on you and you forgave him easily"
"that was months ago"
"yeah but he still did it! i heard your whole argument yesterday kai!"
"he was drunk"
"he shouldnt even be drinking! if he says that when hes drunk, imagine what he could say when hes sober"
"its fine ness"
"no kai. i told josh and hes gonna talk to jaden"
"thats bullshit nessa! he was fine! we were fine!"
"kai, do you see what hes doing to you?"
"no nessa. i really dont" i replied while she let out a long sigh.
"were spending 7 days in wisconsin"
"you need to forget about him for a few days. were not going to have any service unless we go somewhere like a store and thats exactly what you need"
"nessa" i said sadly.
"im sorry kai. this is just toxic right now. you should have left him the moment he tried to slut shame you or tell you to kill yourself"
"its not the first time ive heard it" i mumbled.
"its not the first time ive been told to kill myself"
"who told you?!"
"thousands of people in my dms and comments and all that other shit"

she pulled out her phone and started dialing someone.

"hey baby whats up?"
"josh did you know your sister has been having thousands of people tell her to kill herself everyday?!"
"what the fuck?!"
"she just told me"
"kai rose richards why the fuck did you not tell me?!?!"
"its not that big of a deal. im used to it" i mumbled.
"'its not that big of a deal' my ass" he mocked.
"take her to wisconsin, make sure she is barely on her phone when you guys go out and just... talk" he sighed.
"got it."
"bye i love you"
"i love you too" she hung up.

i huffed and sat back for this day and a half long drive.

it was getting dark and we were still driving.

"why are you doing this nessa?"
"because kai. i love you to death and i cant stand hearing you two fight. it hurts. you guys started off so loving and caring but then it just got so toxic so fast. i want to be there for you through everything. like when you got shot kai, it pained me to see you like that. when you were cutting, it hurt so bad. when you got kidnapped and i watched jaden carry you in, that broke me into a million pieces. i dont want to see you get hurt anymore kai"
"thank you ness but i have it under control"
"i know you think you do but jaden isnt the same anymore. hes distant and hes just... different"

i leaned back and closed my eyes.

i woke up a few hours later to my phone constantly vibrating from being tagged in things. i opened up my socials to see videos of jaden vaping.

"nessa please take my phone and dont give it back for a little while"
"what did he do this time?"
"vaping nessa. really? i told him to stop smoking and now hes vaping?!"
"i told you kai... hes different"

i sighed and just as i handed her my phone, jadens contact popped up. she quickly snatched it and looked down at it.

"jaden" she said sternly.
"you got my note?"
"yeah. im a bit confused?"
"dont worry. josh will be there shortly" she said annoyed.
"why is josh coming over?"
"you'll see"
"okay? wheres kai?"
"with me"
"where are you?"
"half way to a different state"
"because jaden. but if i were you, i would be pretty worried right now"
"kai just saw a video of you vaping"
"can i talk to her?! please?!"

she handed the phone to me while i rolled my eyes.

"baby look. im sorry okay? once you start, its hard to stop"
"so you've vaped before?"
"NO! i mean no. but the smoking"
"so just simply stop"
"i cant. im trying i really am but i just cant"
"bullshit jaden"
"im sorry baby. it just... hard"
"whatever jaden"

i hung up and handed my phone to nessa while she smiled.

"thats my bestfriend!"

i smiled and rolled my eyes while she continued to drive.

(fun fact i was just in wisconsin and i literally had no service)

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