A Perfect Life

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The Family Plan: Chapter One- A Perfect Life.

Magnus Pov

"Why can't I ever walk into the kitchen and not see my husband covered in baking powder," I asked, leaning against the entry of the kitchen and crossing my arms over my chest. No surprise, my husband Alexander was standing by the counter near a small round cake. His tongue was sticking out adorably as he focused on piping the edges of it with white buttercream frosting.

"Shh, no talking. I'm focusing."

I rolled my eyes at that smiling, before making my way into the kitchen and over to him, wrapping my arms around his waist and laying my chin on his shoulder to watch him work.

"Do I actually get to eat this masterpiece or is it for the bakery? You know I hate it when you flant sweets in my face just to tell me I can't have them."

Alec Lightwood-Bane owned a tiny bakery in our home of Brooklyn. He started it thinking it would maybe get a few regular customers, but it quickly blew up to the point that everyone in Brooklyn knew about it. He gets so many orders placed a day, that sometimes he has to bring his work home, which means I can't eat any of it. I'm lucky if he will let me even lick the batter off the spoon or out of the mixing bowl.

"You will get to eat this one but not yet. It's for Isabelle's baby shower," Alec answered, not taking his eyes off the cake.

"Oh right, that's tomorrow isn't it? Don't you find it strange that they are having a baby before even being married?"

"You sound like my mother," Alec teased, making me crinkle my nose in disgust. He must have seen the face I was making from the corner of his eye because he chuckled.

"Isabelle and Simon are engaged. Even if they weren't, this is the modern age. People have babies without being married all the time. Granted, it mostly happens in high school and people don't mean for it to happen, but it still happens."

I nodded looking over at the other counter closest to the stove. There were trays upon trays of chocolate macarons laid out, making my mouth water. Alec's specialty was macarons. He learned how to make them from one of the best pastry chefs in the world when he studied abroad in France.

"So Isabelle is craving macrons again," I asked, reaching out to grab one but pulled my hand back when Alec slapped it away.

"Don't touch those. They are all for the party and Isabelle will be pissed if there aren't exactly a hundred. You will have to wait until I get more ingredients to make more."

That made me whine. "How can you deny me the one desert that holds such a special meaning to me? Not to mention the fact that they are my favorite out of all the things you have ever made."

A smile crept up from the corner of Alec's mouth from that comment. "Get in line hun. I have a lot of people who like these."

I crossed my arms over my chest pouting. "Yes but I should beat them since your macrons are how we even met in the first place."

That was a beautiful day that I would never forget. It was maybe five or six years ago when Alec was Twenty and I was Twenty Three. I had just broken up with my then girlfriend of eight years, Camille Belcourt. My heart was shattered and through my love loss haze I had wandered into a small bakery and just sat at one of the tables alone.

I sat there for maybe fifteen minutes without buying anything. Suddenly, someone placed a round brown cookie like thing down in front of me with a napkin. When I looked up, my golden-green eyes looked back into a never ending ocean of blue. 

"Sorry to bother you sir. You just kind of look like you're having a bad day. My chocolate macarons always lift my spirits, so maybe it will help you feel better too. It's on the house."

The Family Plan- A Malec AU FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now