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Back in LA:
I woke up a week ago so now the gang and I are headed back to LA and honestly I'm gonna miss England but LA is home. The plane just landed so we went to go get our bags but Lucas got fussy so I gave him a bottle while Thomas rolled our bags to the car. I put Lucas's carseat on the right side moving Kehlani to the middle so I can easily reach Lucas anytime so I loaded up the kids then Thomas and I got into the car. He started to drive home but it feels weird being in LA after everything but the twins birthday is coming up which is weird because they are born on the 22nd and Lucas is born on the 13th so birthdays will be hectic. I brang out my phone to start planning out the what to do but the twins need to pick a theme for their party which is always a hard thing because they want different things.
M: Twins your birthday is in 4 days we need a theme?
Ke: Unicornss!
Co: Dinoss!
M: What about a Disney theme?
Co: Will there be villains?
Ke: And princesses?
M: Yes leave it to me.
T: I'm here too!
Ke: But mommy throws the best parties!
Co: Yeah last year it was out of the world and she got a bounce house!
Ke: When we turned 4 we had a princess and prince theme with crowns!
T: How about a small party?
Tw: NO!
M: Thomas why?
T: They sound a bit spoiled Mia.
M: Thomas I will stop having big parties when they are 10 but for now they get a big party.
T: Mia can we skip the big party this year?
M: Why!
T: Because you're rasing them to be spoiled!
M: Don't talk about how I'm raising my kids when you just started!
We pulled into the driveway so I got out grabbing Lucas and the twins going inside to the nursery for Jet and Lucas so he can sleep soon Kouvr came into the room putting Jet into his crib but I was still annoyed at Thomas.
K: Twins why does mommy look mad?
Ke: Daddy won't let us have a big party!
K: What!
Co: He also said mommy is raising us to be brats.
K: You're not brats mommy just loves you so much so she does everything to make you 2 very happy!
Tw: We know!
K: Whats the theme this year?
M: Disney I don't care what your dad says you're having that party!
K: Shhh the babies are sleeping so go play with London and Kade.
Tw: Okay auntie!
K: He really judged you on how you raise the twins?
M: Yes which I don't know why when I raised them all of their lives until last year when he came into their lives!
K: Why don't you take a nap in my room?
M: Okay!
I can tell Mia was annoyed at Thomas so was I because he judged her parenting skills when she raised the twins alone when he left soon Thomas walked into the nursery to check up on Lucas.
T: Hey Kouv.
K: Thomas.
T: Why do you sound so annoyed?
K: I don't know its probably because you judged Mia's parenting skills!
T: What do you mean I just said we should have a small party this year since the last 6 were so big that they were bragging about it.
K: Thomas on the twins first birthday Mia swore she would give them big parties until they were 10.
T: I don't want my twins to grow up acting bratty and shit!
K: Thomas you have no say about the twins birthday when you ain't paying for anything!
T: So you're saying Mia payed for everything!
K: Yes so she gets to decided on how she wants to celebrate their birthday.
T: I say no Kouvr!
K: Thomas you live under her house so its up to her end of discussion.
I walked out of the nursery into my room to see Mia and the girls planning out the twins 7th birthday even if Thomas says no Mia doesn't care as long as the twins are happy so I joined them in planning.

Word Count: 727

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