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Wedding plans and Bora Bora:
I woke up next to Thomas so I got up leaving the room to go make breakfast but I saw the girls eating pancakes. I ate some breakfast as everyone came into the kitchen to eat and the kids were watching cartoons eating breakfast.
D: Wedding time!
M: Yeah.
T: Stealing my fiance girls?
Tg: Yes Thomas byeee!
Just like that they grabbed my hand running to the office causing me to laugh at how excited they all were but now I think its a good time to ask them. I gave the girls but Kouvr a basket filled with candy, a necklace, pictures of each of us, and a scroll asking them to be my brides maid and for Kouvr I handed her a different basket with the same things except the scroll was a note in a bottle. They all screamed yes so we started picking colors for the wedding which is rose gold and white and for their dresses would be rose gold and baby pink. I can't believe this is actually happening I'm getting married to the love of my life on a beach in Malibu. We planned everything out but as I was checking my tabs on my computer I clicked on a tab with plane tickets to Bora Bora with Thomas and I's name for 3 days so I ran out of the office to him jumping on his back.
T: Woah woah woah calm down.
T: Okay who told her!
T: Shit but yes I am taking you to Bora Bora in 2 days so start packing.
T: I hope so and I love you more.
She ran upstairs screaming for the girls to help her causing me to laugh making her happy is all I want to do.

Time skip to the day they are leaving:

I said bye to everyone as Thomas loaded our bags into the car before coming back to say bye to everyone and we both got into the car as he drove off to the airport. I was really excited but sad I won't see my kids for 3 days as Thomas was driving and I was on my phone looking at wedding dresses to show the girls I felt a hand slip onto my thigh so I looked over at Thomas smiling. We soon got to the airport so we got out as Thomas brang the luggage to check out while I stood next to him. As we walked to our gate he held my hand making me smile I like that he is trying to be a better husband and I will always appreciate that. We soon got onto the plane and of course he got us first class so we sat next to one another getting ready to take off but I don't really remember the flight because I fell asleep right after we got settled in our seats. I felt someone shaking me so I woke up to see Thomas waking me up saying we are landing so I sat up fixing my stuff as we landed. We got out of the plane heading to grab our bags before heading off to the place we are staying at but we had to take a boat. As we got to our place I felt so relaxed already breathing in the crisp beachy air.

Hey ya'll I'm sorry for not updating I have been spending time with my family so I haven't been on my phone so yeah and sorry for the short chapter the next one will be all the trip so yeah. Happy Thanksgiving I'm thankful for all of you and your support.❤️
Word Count: 633

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