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Date night:
Thomas started driving to this cliff area for the picnic but as the girls were chatting away not listening to either Thomas and I. Thomas looked at me like he wanted to ask me something and I have a feeling its about Kehlani.
T: You were in the room with Kehlani and Mia right?
A: Yeah why?
T: So you know why Kehlani is ignoring me?
A: Like Mia said Kehlani came in sad and just told us she was having an off day.
T: I don't believe that because she was cuddling me during the movie.
A: Thomas sometimes girls moods change just leave it.
M: By the way Thomas tomorrow I'm gonna be busy all day.
T: Do you need me to come with you?
M: No I'm fine.
T: You sure?
M: Yes okay.
Thomas parked the car and we all got out but I noticed he was death staring me so I knew if I didn't tell him why he'd be mad so as we walked to our spot but he grabbed my arm stopping me.
M: What Thomas!
T: Why can't I come with you tomorrow!
M: Because someone needs to watch Lucas.
T: What about the twins!
M: I'm bringing them and you are staying home end of this conversation.
I walked away to where Kouvr and Alex were and helped them set everything but soon Thomas came and hugged me from behind which felt so good because we haven't been the couple we were before I found out I was pregnant with the twins. I turned around to kiss him and he kissed back I slowly pulled away smiling because I felt the sparks I felt when we first kissed. It felt so right at the time I have missed this because all we do now is argue which I hate. We cuddled as the sun went down and ate the food the guys bought which was Panda and pizza. Soon the stars where showing so Kouvr and I took pictures together and with our fiances but soon we decided to go home. I got the keys from Thomas so Kouvr and I ran to the car locking the boys out.

Alex and I cleaned up the area we were sitting in and headed off to the car but as I was trying to open the trunk it was locked so I looked into the car to see the girls laughing so I used my spare key to open the car. Soon I put everything into the car but this date felt so different it was like pressing pause on everything going on and taking a break with Mia. That kiss felt like the first kiss we ever shared the sparks were still there and it felt so right because all her and I do is argue over the little things. The fighting and arguing hurts me because we are hurting each other when we say things we don't mean. I started to drive home but I soon noticed that the girls were falling asleep so I took a different road which was longer so by the time we got home the girls would be asleep. As I drove home Mia kept fighting the urge to sleep I sighed but I soon noticed we were close to the house so I put the car on autopilot and turned around to face Mia grabbing her hand kissing it. The car pulled into the drive way so I woke up Alex who had fallen asleep than I got out of the car and opened Mia's door carrying her bridal style as Alex did the same with Kouvr. I took her up to the room opening the door but soon she fell asleep so I put her on the bed and removing her shoes before throwing the covers over her tiny body. I took off my hoodie and jeans getting into bed in my boxers but as I layed down Mia climbed onto of my chest falling back asleep so I held her as I felt my eyes get heavy and soon I was asleep.

Word Count: 694

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