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Dixie called me saying they were coming home early because Mia and Kouvr were roofied by the bartender and lets just say Alex, the boys, and I aren't happy he tried to take advantage of the girls. Once they got home I carried Mia into our room while Michael carried Kouvr into the room. I went into the closet and grabbed one of my hoodies so I can change Mia into something comfy instead of her sleeping in jeans but Alex said he was 5 minutes away so he will change Kouvr when he comes home. I heard one of the babies crying so I left the girls to go into the nursery and Jet was crying so I picked him up. I rocked Jet until he stopped crying then I changed him and Lucas putting them back to sleep. Soon Alex came home taking Kouvr into their room so I got ready for bed but I heard the door open and only Alex, Kouvr, and the twins so I walked out the bathroom to see the twins in the bed.
T: Why are you up its 3 in the morning.
Ke: I wanted to sleep with you!
Co: Me too!
T: Fine but don't be loud mommy is sick.
I turned off the lights then layed in bed cuddling the twins as we all fell asleep.

I woke up feeling like shit but I felt arms around me so I looked and saw Colten hugging me but I felt like throwing up so I slowly got up. I ran to the toilet throwing up but I felt someone hold my hair and rub my back so I continued to throw up until nothing came out. I looked up at Thomas who was still rubbing my back making sure I was done then he picked me up bringing me back into bed while he woke up the twins for school. They went into the bathroom to get ready so I layed in bed watching Thomas get the kids ready but Kehlani came up to me.
M: Yes mamas?
Ke: Daddy can't dutch braid as good as you can you do my braids?
M: Of course!
T: Thats rude!
We just laughed as I started dutch braiding her hair and after I finished they gave me a hug then went into the kitchen as I stayed in bed. Kouvr came in the room so we hung out on the bed on our phones or playing with slime but soon all the girls came into the room and I knew we all had a hungover except Dixie who took Kade to preschool while the guys took care of the newborn boys. I tried getting up but before I can even leave the room Thomas and Alex walked into the room with soup so I sat back in bed as they gave us our food then we ate while watching Riverdale.

Alex and I just gave the girls some soup while they relaxed but the guys decided we should spoil the girls by taking them out to dinner and the bar while the kids stay with their grandparents or aka Alex's parents the kids favorite place to be besides the house. Its been an hour and the girls have been quiet so I went into my room to see the girls asleep but Mia she wasn't there so I went into the bathroom to find no one so I started to freak out. I ran out of the room into the living room to see Mia on the couch holding Lucas while Jet was in the bouncer I sighed in relief and sat beside her.
T: Why you out of bed?
M: I feel better Thomas.
T: You sure I don't want you to be pushing yourself to do stuff when you ain't okay.
M: Yes now can you get me my laptop we have 2 days left until the twins birthday and I need to order a bounce house plus the cake.
T: What kind of cake and bounce house?
M: A disney theme bounce house and 2 7 shaped cakes one chocolate one cookie and creams.
I gave Mia her laptop while I made lunch since all the girls joined Mia in the living room watching Grey's Anatomy.

Word Count: 721

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