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The girls and I finished everything for the party around 3 in the morning so we all fell asleep in the living room but the guys haven't talked to us since they got home. I woke up so I checked my phone to see what time was it so it was 8:30 then I got up going to my room so I can take a bath to relax. I saw Thomas asleep so I quietly set up the tub with bubbles then slowly got in turning the jets on which made relax even more I decided to put a face mask on. Thomas walked into the bathroom half asleep so he didn't see me so I stayed quiet as I can possibly be as he got ready for the morning. He washed his face then looked up at the mirror seeing me then he quickly turned around rubbing his eyes.
M: Morning love.
T: When the fuck did you get here?
M: 20 minutes ago and do you want to join me?
T: Fuck yeah.
I woke up to no one then I remembered Mia fell asleep in the living room so I got up out of bed then went to the bathroom washing my face. I looked up to the mirror to see my beautiful wife in the tub but I got scared because she didn't say anything when I walked into the bathroom. She asked if I wanted to join her since our tub is fairly big I said yes so I got undressed then went behind Mia as she layed her head on me as we just relaxed in the bath.
M: Our babies are 7!
T: Don't remind me they are getting so big!
M: I know.
We soon got out then Mia got dressed into a dress thats red and white so I put on some black jeans and a white shirt to match. I heard the door open then the twins came running into the room and straight to Mia dodging my hug going into hers.
M: Happy 7th birthday to my beautiful twins!
Tw: Thanks mommy but thank you for giving birth to us and raising us!
T: Hey I helped!
Co: How?
T: Well one night your mommy and I-
M: Thomas fucking Petrou don't you dare.
I laughed at Mia but the twins were confused but Mia got them ready changing them into shirts that have the castle on the front and their age and name on the back. We took pictures as a family but Lucas was fussy so Kouvr took him I posted for their birthday soon the party started.
Tw: Thanks!
Soon their friends came so they all played outside in the bounce house while I held Lucas because he was still fussy so I fed him then burped him. Thomas came over to me kissing my head then he grabbed Lucas bringing him inside so I got up and ate some food since I felt light headed Thomas soon came back with a water bottle so I drank it. I got up with Thomas so we can grab the cake for the kids because it was getting kinda late so we set up the table with their cakes and every surrounded the twins singing happy birthday. After we sang happy birthday we ate cake and then the twins open gifts from their friends before their parents came to pick them up. Soon everyone one was gone so the twins open gifts from the family which made them all happy.
T: Why don't we sleep in the bounce house since Lucas and Jet went home with my parents.
E: Okay.
L: Can we come?
M: Yes all of us so get blankets and pillows.
We all went inside to get ready for bed and grab pillows and blankets for the bounce house so we all met up going inside the bounce house.  We all picked places to sleep at since it was a pretty big bounce house but soon the kids fell asleep as we the adults talked about today and how lucky we are to have our kids in our lives.

Word Count: 703

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