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Coming home:
I decided to just stay in the hotel with the kids because I'm tired so I snuggled Kehlani walking into the room to see Colten watching Teen Titans Go while Lucas was on his stomach. I walked over to the bed sitting down while Kehlani stayed glued to me like I was leaving her so I just rubbed her back humming her favorite song to her. I decided to go home because I missed being home but mostly I miss Thomas and the girls so I layed Kehlani down. I believe she's running a fever so I packed up the room leaving an outfit out for the kids and making sure they brushed their teeths while I changed Lucas who was giggling.
Ke: Mommy?
M: Yes my baby girl.
Ke: I miss daddy.
M: Well he told me when we get back you and him are going on a date.
Ke: Yayyy!
Co: What about me!
M: You and I are going on a date while Lucas stays with auntie Charli.
Co: Okay hurry lets gooo!
Ke: Yeah mommy cmon!
M: Calm down my sweet babies and grab your backpack.
Tw: Okay.
I got everything than we walked down to the elevator so I can check out and go home so I can go on a date with Colten while Kehlani and Thomas fix their relationship hopefully. I miss having the family who doesn't fight and argue everyday as I was checking out I noticed the hollywood fix guy was outside so I mumbled shit. I remember that they have body gaurds so I asked for 2 of them and soon enough 2 dudes walked into the lobby taking the kids and I to our car keeping Flecher away. I usually answer him but I'm always with Thomas and today its just me so I looked down to see Kehlani kinda freaking out so I quickly put the kids into the car as the body gaurds put my stuff into the trunk. I thanked them and went into the car driving home making sure Kehlani was okay so I out the tesla on auto pilot before I turned around to check on her. She seemed to be okay so I went back to driving soon pulling into the neighborhood before pulling up to the gate and opening parking the car in the driveway. I grabbed the 3 person stroller putting all 3 kids into the stroller as I grabbed the bags pushing them to the front door opening both doors to see Dixie chasing Kade and London but stopped when she was me. She came over and gave me a hug than soon taking the kids into the house as I get the rest of the bags.
K: I missed you princess now go play with London she missed you the most.
Ke: Okay but where's daddy?
T: Who's looking for me?
T: My princess.
I heard yelling in the livingroom so I walked out of the office room to see Kehlani asking for me so once I said something she turned around  to face me. She ran to me so I crouch down and picked her up kissing her head as she wrapped her little arms around my neck god I missed this soon the most beautiful human being walked in wearing my hoodie and some sweatpants even in this she is stunning. I put Kehlani down before walking over to Mia grabbing her waist pulling her into a desired kiss and she kissed back wrapping her arms around my neck as she relaxes into my arms.
K: Break it up we don't need another baby!
M: Kouvrrr I MISSED YOU!
T: You didn't miss me?
M: We just kissed baby of course I did now we have to go get ready for our dates.
T: Okay where is the kids.
K: Kehlani is with the girls and Colten is with the guys getting ready now you 2 get ready and NO funny buisness!
M: And Lucas?
K: Asleep on the bouncer.
T: Kouvr you're such a cockblocker.
K: You know what I'm helping Mia get ready I don't trust you Thomas!
T: What why!
K: You're horny 24/7!
T: Am not!
M: You are now lets go Kouv!
K: Bye Thomas!
I grabbed Mia's hand running up to my room to get her ready because she said they are meeting up for dinner so I wanted to make her so beautiful for Thomas.

Word Count: 763

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