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Mommy I wanna know the truth:
I parked in front of one of the nice ass Holiday Inns because I got a suite for the week so I got out of the car and opened the door waking up the twins so they can help me bring the bags into the room. I grabbed the bigger stroller out of the trunk putting the kids in there as I hung the backpacks on the handles putting 1 on my back and taking out the 2 duffle bag full of clothes. I walked into the hotel checking in and getting my key card so I took the elevator up to the top floor heading to the room. As I got into the room I quickly made sure there wasn't anyone in the room than I brang everything inside as I locked the door putting the twins in one bed and Lucas in the portable crib. I went to get ready for bed but I heard my phone so I pick it up and saw that Thomas was facetiming me so I answered the phone as I got into the bathroom.
Thomas Mia
What you doing baby?
Getting ready for bed how about you?
Missing my beautiful fiance.
Thomas baby I'll be home in a week okay.
But I miss youu and your kisses.
I miss you too baby but I need this and when I get back we can cuddle all you want.
Maybe even more?
No sex cuddles and kisses only!
I love you my sweet boy!
I love you more babygirl.
I got ready for bed still on facetime with Thomas as we made each other laugh and blush which made me feel so happy that we are happy again. I heard Lucas crying so I went and picked him up bring him to my bed as Thomas worked on something for the house but soon turning his full attention to our 3 month old baby who was drinking milk from my boob.
He's so lucky!
He gets to suck on your boob.
God Thomas you will get every part of my body 2-3 days after I come back home and only if we don't fight or argue okay?
Okay deal.
I soon put Lucas back into his crib pulling my shirt down and grabbing my laptop to look at some ideas for the wedding because when I get back thats the only project I'm gonna be focused on unless my family needs something but knowing the girls they'll help me as well as Thomas. I put my laptop away because I was really tired so I fell asleep on the phone with Thomas. I woke up to Lucas crying so I got up picking him up to rock him as I walked back into bed. I saw that it was only 8:30 in the morning so once Lucas calmed down I placed him on on the bed putting pillows around him than I went to get ready for the day. Colten came into the bathroom rubbing his eye so I picked him up to cuddle him.
Co: Mommy?
M: Yes baby?
Co: Why did daddy leave?
M: Because he didn't wnat to be a daddy but he regreted leaving so he came back okay he loves you so much.
Co: Is that why sissy is mad at him.
M: Yes baby but she needs time okay.
Co: Okay can I watch cartoons while you get ready?
M: Yes and watch Lucas.
Co: Yes ma'am.
He walked away so I continued to get ready but 10 minutes later a figure appeared in the mirror so I turned around to see a half awake Kehlani standing at the door way so I picked her up snuggling her as she started to wake up.

Word count: 639

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