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Over protective much:
I woke up feeling like crap because I drank too much so I slowly got up out of bed but Dixie pulled me back onto the couch holding me so we just cuddled going back to sleep while the other girls were on the other couch.

Alex and I were cuddled up but we weren't in our room so I looked around to see Mia on her laptop while Thomas was asleep on her. I knew she was finalizing the stuff for the party since its tomorrow plus the stuff was coming in today but I was craving dunkin so I texted Mia if she wanted to go get dunkin with the girls and she said yeah. We got up slowly so the boys wouldn't wake up then headed off to the living room to see the girls sitting on the couch watching cartoons.
K: Dunkin run?
Tg: Yesss!
I woke up pretty early I don't know why but I decided to stay in bed since Thomas was asleep so I grabbed my laptop comfirming the stuff that are getting delivered today for tomorrows party but soon Kouvr woke up and texted me if I wanted to go get dunkin with her so I said yes. We got up leaving Alex and Thomas asleep then headed off to the living room to see the girls on the couch watching Teen Titans Go but none of the guys were up so Kouvr asked if they wanted to come which the said yes and we all got into Alex's tesla since it can fit all of us. I drove since they were all still half asleep or hungover so was I but it was fine we listened to a bunch of songs as we waited in the drive thru line at dunkin after we got our drinks I drove us back to the house but then I got a call from Thomas so I answered it and I can hear the panic in his voice.

Call: Thomas Mia
Where are you are the girls with you are you okay!
Dunkin yes and yes
Next time leave a note or a text because you guys scared all of us.
Yeah whatever bye.

I knew he was gonna say more things so I ended the call but instead of driving home I went to target which left the girls a bit confused. I was tired of the guys being over protective of the girls and I so I decided that we need time away from the boys for awhile so I knew target would be a good place since we can spend hours there.
C: Why are we here?
M: I'm tired of the guys being over protective of us and decided we need time without them.
D: Okay lets go.
Ad: How mad will Thomas and the guys be?
K: Mia and I will take care of that when we get home but for now lets enjoy ourselves.
Av: Okay fine by me.
This morning I woke up on the couch with Charli right next to me while Dixie and Addi were on the other couch so I decided to not get up and just watch some tv so I turned the tv on and flip through the channels until I just stopped at Teen Titans Go. Soon Addi, Dixie, and Charli woke up so we all watched until Mia and Kouvr came downstairs asking if we wanted to go get dunkin and we all said yes so we got into Alex's car while Mia drove. We were blasting music in line while we waited on our order then we got our food so Mia drove back home but Thomas called and Mia rolled her eyes then answered the call to hear him complain that we left without a note so after the call Mia took a left instead of right which confused us all. Soon she pulled up to target so we asked her why she said she was tired of Thomas and the guys being over protective so we should have a target escape which we all agreed to so we got out of the car and went inside to start shopping.

I woke up to no Mia next to me so I just thought she got up to go to her office so I got up and went to check her office to see no one but soon all the guys came up to me asking if I have seen any of the girls so I started to worry. So I decided to called Mia to ask her if she was with the girls and if they are okay which she said yes to then hung up so the guys and I were relieved. The guys and I cleaned the house a bit since the party is tomorrow and people were gonna drop off the supplies for the party so yeah.
Mi: Hey Thomas?
T: Whats up Michael?
Mi: Where are the girls its been 2 hours.
T: Um I don't know.
Mi: Me either.
Tb: No!
A: Lets check their location.
N: Okay.
Pa: Mine says their location is off.
Tb: Same.
A: I tracked my car and it says there at target.
R: Lets go.
The guys and I got into Thomas's car and Michael drove the car to target to see Alex's tesla so we parked next to it and went inside.

Word Count: 921

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