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We got to our little cottage on a private beach so I ran inside to see the beautiful interior design. Thomas just laughed at how excited I was as he brang our things into the room but I opened the door to see the beautiful view of the clear water.
T: Do you like it?
M: Like it no I fucking love it here!
T: That's good but what do you wanna do?
M: Hang out on the beach!
T: Okay beautiful.
I smiled at him and placed a kiss on his cheek before I ran to my suitcase to get my bathing suit out to change into. I quickly changed into my swimsuit to be exact Thomas's favorite swimsuit so I walked out to see him in some swim shorts as his abs showed causing me to bite my lip. God he is hot but I noticed him checking me out so I walked over to him and kissed him as he kissed back he grabbed my ass causing me to softly moan. He smirked between the kiss so I pulled away rolling my eyes playfully as I grabbed my things before heading out to the beach. He quickly followed me as I set my towel down on the sand before putting sunscreen on myself so I wouldn't get a sun burn. I started to tan as Thomas was on his phone doing something but soon he came over picking me up so I wrapped my legs around him as he walked into the water. The water wasn't as cold as I thought so I enjoyed it as I felt Thomas place a kiss on my head so I looked up at him and gave him a kiss and he kissed back causing me to smile.


Liked by: @Miahayward✔️ and otherspetroutv My world and so much more

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Liked by: @Miahayward✔️ and others
petroutv My world and so much more. I love you Mia Hayward Petrou.❤️💍
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@Miahayward✔️ I love you so much babe😘
@Dixie D'Amelio✔️ Thomas is the biggest simp ever😂
@K0uvr✔️ Don't break her heart Thomas Adrian Petrou🙄

I laughed at Kouvrs comment on my post as Mia and I cuddled on the sand as we watched the sunset. No kids, no screaming, and no interuptions just me and the girl I love. I notice that she fell asleep so I carried her bridal style inside our house laying her down on the bed before changing her into a hoodie and some shorts. I layed down next to her as I admired her beauty as she slept peacefully but since it was early still I did some work on my laptop while I ordered lunch for us. She started to move around so I rubbed her back which woke her up even more but she didn't complain like usual but instead she smiled as I continued. She slowly sat up and streatched as I watched the guy bring our food into the back table by the beach so Mia and I got up to eat lunch. Once we finished lunch we decided to go on a walk on the beach and look for shells to bring home for the kids since they collect shells everytime we are at the beach. We took pictures and went on multpile dates but now we are on our way home to get ready for the wedding. This trip really brought Mia and I closer and I really appreciate that so I'm happy that soon the love of my life will be with me till the day I die.

I made this a while back and I was gonna write more but I honestly lost my motovation to write especially since I'm losing idea's. Mental health is something that I need to focus on because I really feel like kms and its not okay so I'm gonna post an epilogue when I feel it I'm sorry guys. Don't worry I'll make new stories the next one I'm posting is a Dixison story so look out for that. I love you guys keep going even when you wanna quit it isn't worth it. Get help if you need it before its too late and you lose yourself like me.
Word Count: 702

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