New story

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Hey guys I'm sorry for not posting but school has me busy because I'm in honors and ap but also in orchestra so that takes up a lot of time so posting takes awhile but don't worry I'll post soon. Soo ummm the sequal has maybe 5-15 more chapters left before the ending but heres the question for my next story I'm posting later today or tomorrow should I post a Dixison, Chavani, or Thomia story. I have 2 Dixison stories and I'm making a new one for Dixison, 1 Chavani and for Chavani I'm thinking of another story for them, and for Thomia I have 4 stories so pleaseee tell me which one I should post but for the sequal I have a drama chapter coming up before the wedding plan. Also some chapters for a vacation for Thomas and Mia just the 2 of them to Bora Bora. Than the night before the wedding, wedding day which is a seperate chapter, and then honeymoon trip to Hawaii. Then the ending of the Sequal which has been an adventure but thank you for all the love and support. -Chelsy

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